Recent content by escape_velocity

  1. E

    Force equation: use mass or weight?

    I agree its in "Kg". I'm just a confused since all I have here is the capability to measure what we call "weight" of the object and that showed 0.5 Kg. Now my question is since I didn't ever measure the mass of object. How would I be sure that the number I'm putting in is actually the mass of...
  2. E

    Force equation: use mass or weight?

    In earthly terms wouldn't we call that he "weight" since I measured the weight on a weighing scale. Isn't weight the effect of gravity acting on the mass of a object?
  3. E

    Force equation: use mass or weight?

    m stands for mass
  4. E

    Force equation: use mass or weight?

    I require to calculate acceleration of an object caused by a force of 100N acting upon it. The weight of the object is 0.5kg I'm using the equation F = m * a Is it correct to use weight of the object instead of mass in the equation. Will it yield correct results? Or would I need to calculate...
  5. E

    Find the length of a roll of GI steel sheet given its weight

    Homework Statement I have a roll of galvanized iron sheet steel. Its width is 19mm and thickness 0.25mm Density 7850 kg/m^3 Weight of the roll is 75kg I want to find how long would be the roll if its unwound. Homework Equations Density D = M / V Length L = V / A Area A = Width * Thickness The...
  6. E

    Power required to rotate a load of specific weight

    Does that mean that once the cylinder is set into motion the only force that retards its rotation is the bearing friction. No it draws negligible power when its rotating at 5rpm its as though the motor is running unloaded. Is this the right deduction? Somehow it sounds strange.That a 200kg load...
  7. E

    Power required to rotate a load of specific weight

    Ok @Delta² @haruspex So the actual setup is a cylinder (not a complete rod but a shell with thickness 5mm) with diameter 6 meter and weight 200kg and axis of rotation is passing through its centre. The axis of rotation is parallel to the Earth's surface and perpendicular to gravity.
  8. E

    Power required to rotate a load of specific weight

    Thanks for the esteemed answers. So to find the torque of weight Tb will i need to know the friction in the ball bearings on which the load rotates?
  9. E

    Power required to rotate a load of specific weight

    Homework Statement Weight - 200kg RPM - 5 Diameter - 6m Homework Equations Moment of Inertia I = (weight/9.8).r^2 Torque t = I * (angular velocity / t) Power = Torque * speed The Attempt at a Solution First I calculate Moment of Inertia Using I=(weight/9.8) * r^2 = 183 kg. m^2 Then I...
  10. E

    B Solenoid and Plunger Relationship

    Thanks CWatters, yes I have so far searched the web and found scattered pieces of information, and yes the graph seems to imply that if we start with the plunger within the solenoid it should experience a higher force... The diagram also seems to say that the maximum force is at the centre of...
  11. E

    B Solenoid and Plunger Relationship

    Does the initial position of the plunger in the solenoid make a difference to the pull force it is subjected to? I mean in the default position how much % length of the plunger should be within the solenoid so that optimum force is delivered to the plunger when the solenoid is turned on? I see...
  12. E

    How much power required to generate a particular pressure

    What if I say that the fluid is "air" now would there be an equation for power to pressurize a cylinder with air to a particular pressure?
  13. E

    How much power required to generate a particular pressure

    Are there any general guidelines or rule of thumb regarding how much power in watts would be required to pressurize a cylinder to a particular pressure and can I use this as a general rule, For eg. I want to pressurize a vessel of volume 1 cu. m how much power would be required and can we...
  14. E

    Calculating flux density in an air gap

    I am trying to calculate the flux density of an air gap in an electromagnet. I am following this page that calculates the flux density in a C core with an air gap. My confusion is that I am using 50Hz AC instead of DC I have control over the voltage amplitude since I would be using a variac to...
  15. E

    Compression due to temperature rise vs volume reduction

    If a vessel is permanently reduced volume that is if it is a rigid container. I suppose it would never return to starting conditions. Are you referring to Tank A the one that we are giving heat to?