Recent content by errwrsysalan

  1. E

    Definition of a meaningless proposition?

    Okay. I think that is all I want to ask. Thank you for helping me! :)
  2. E

    Definition of a meaningless proposition?

    Hum. I see. Thanks for the advice. So you are saying what people say is true, i.e. there is no difference between statement and proposition in contemporary mathematical logic?
  3. E

    Definition of a meaningless proposition?

    I see. Thank you for that! Apparently people are saying different things, that's why I'm confused. Like this one :P
  4. E

    Definition of a meaningless proposition?

    Thank you for the reply! :) A few more questions: 1. People say that in maths logic there is not difference between statement and proposition. Is this correct? 2. They say a meaningless statement is a statement that can't be evaluated as true of false. Does such statement exist? If it does, why...
  5. E

    Definition of a meaningless proposition?

    Homework Statement I know that if a proposition can not be evaluated then it is meaningless, but how about statement like this? 4+1. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I think "4+1" itself is meaningless because it can't be evaluated. Thanks!
  6. E

    A ball rolling up a parabolic ramp

    Thank you! No problem. I need to sleep as well. I'll have a look tomorrow.
  7. E

    A ball rolling up a parabolic ramp

    It's ok. So, right now I used your formula, and it ended up exactly the same as last time I did it using trig. I got dt/dy=0.5sqrt((3+4y)/(25y-2gy^2)) dy, which even wolfram alpha couldn't give an exact solution. I believe there is a better way to do this. Can you show me please?
  8. E

    A ball rolling up a parabolic ramp

    I answered above. Basically this is some extracurricular work.
  9. E

    A ball rolling up a parabolic ramp

    I'm trying now, but still, can you show me how you would do it please? Guess what. I used the formula you gave me and that ends up the same differential equation I got last time using trig, which I need to use a computer to calculate it. Can you help me?
  10. E

    A ball rolling up a parabolic ramp

    I might got it.. trying now
  11. E

    A ball rolling up a parabolic ramp

    Well. It's not, I made this question up. It'd be nice if you can solve it using high school knowledge only though.
  12. E

    A ball rolling up a parabolic ramp

    That seems pretty helpful! I haven't learned to use and x and y things because I'm a high school student, but I've done stage 1 college maths so I think I can cope with that. I'll give it a try! Thank you!
  13. E

    A ball rolling up a parabolic ramp

    1. Assume there is gravity and no external force acting on the system. A ball has an initial velocity of 5 m/s and climbs up a parabolic ramp, which is defined by y=(x^2)/3. If the ball rolls exactly along the path of ramp and energy of the ball is conserved, starting from (0,0), calculate the...
  14. E

    Lots of questions about optics

    Oh. Yeah. You are correct. Not infinite but just lots. Well, infinite small is like no size but it is matter so I would like to call to infinite small.