Recent content by Entropy

  1. E

    The Hardest and Worst Jobs Ever Done

    Speaking of jobs, I had my first day of work to day pushing shopping carts at Target. They basicly lied right to my face saying it was an easy job. I just talked to someone today that had my position for over a year and said it was easily the hardest job their. The managers just lie to new...
  2. E

    Why do some scientists become crackpots?

    My mom and dad shop there! That makes me a crackpot offspring! I never though my genes were the reason behind my arrogance...
  3. E

    Which scooter model is the best option for transportation and cost savings?

    Why not? I use to ride the rain all the time, even in winter. I love the rain. Better than being out in the hot sun. And bikes are fine if you're just carrying you're back pack or something. Great for going to school and it's just a mile or two away. Pfftt... In short you fell down and cut...
  4. E

    Do you people here watch The MythBusters on Discovery Channel?

    I think the show is awesome. I don't really care if it's wasteful or wrong, I just want to see them blow **** up.
  5. E

    The Final Theory - is this guy serious?

    Someone get a 14 year old to explain high school physics to this guy.
  6. E

    News Prominent U.S. Physicists Send Letter to President Bush

    Good point. :smile: I'm not saying they don't have a right to their own opinions. Just wondering why it would be given special treatment if they dealing outside their area of expertise. Well its too late for that now that the military already knows how to use them! :wink:
  7. E

    News Surprising Change in Government: Separation of Church & State

    Then why not just give the money to charity? This money is going into building big shiney golden crosses and stained glass portraits.
  8. E

    Trying Coffee-Flavored Coca-Cola: A Disgusting Experience

    Coke + Coffee? Gez why don't they just inject caffine right in your veins. Then, again it still probably doesn't have as much caffine as Mountain Dew. One can is the equvalent of 5 cups of coffee!
  9. E

    NASA Nasa's new and improved ANTI-MATTER space ship

    Errmm... Techniquely all you have to do is break Earth orbit and you can go to Mars. Maybe not very quickly, but you'd get there. And that kind of energy isn't nearly as devistating as you make it sound. Really it probably only destory the launch pad.
  10. E

    News Prominent U.S. Physicists Send Letter to President Bush

    Um... What the hell do physicists know about global politics? Their job is to build nukes, not tell people how to use them.
  11. E

    How many Darwinists does it take to

    I don't get it.
  12. E

    Brain vs Brawn: Which Would Win?

    Yes. Batman always carries around bug spray.
  13. E

    Am I crazy for talking to myself?

    Do you consider the voices in my head to be myself?
  14. E

    Are You An Introvert Or An Extrovert?

    I'm a hermit so I'll go with introverted.