Recent content by entity314

  1. entity314

    What are the units for the hysteresis coefficient in transformer losses?

    I'm working with hysteresis losses in transformers at the moment, and I was wanting to know if there are units for the coefficient. Normally, I'd just rearrange the equation for units, below, h=ηB1.6f η=hf-1B-1.6 so it would have units JsT-1.6 However, given the power of 1.6, I'm not sure it...
  2. entity314

    Flux Density in Mutual Induction Solenoid with Core

    Thanks, that's what I though :) Is the formula for the flux a solenoid correct though?
  3. entity314

    Flux Density in Mutual Induction Solenoid with Core

    It's for an alternating current. Presumably the maximum flux density will occur at the current peak?
  4. entity314

    Frequency appears to have to effect on hysteresis

    I'm not sure whether this impacts the final result of the frequency being hidden in the voltage, but you said that That's incorrect; the unit is Joules = η X Teslas as can be seen from the Steinmetz article: Unrelated, but thank-you for the slideshow, that had everything on eddy currents...
  5. entity314

    Flux Density in Mutual Induction Solenoid with Core

    For a standard solenoid, I've found that B=μnI where μ = permeability of the core (4π×10^-7 for free space) n = number of coils I = current Firstly, is the permeability of soft iron 0.08, as I found? Primarily, however, I'm wanting to know if this still applies for a mutual induction apparatus...
  6. entity314

    Frequency appears to have to effect on hysteresis

    The input on from the article is a massive help, thanks. In regards to the voltage, that was just a formula misread, but doesn't effect the frequency issue. However, the formula on there is energy loss per cycle, and thus multiplying by frequency gives energy loss per second. Furthermore, as I...
  7. entity314

    Frequency appears to have to effect on hysteresis

    This question is primarily regarding transformers, particularly the impact frequency has on hysteresis loss. Given hysteresis loss = η×Bmax×f×V and Bmax = (V ×〖10〗^ 8)/(√2 π×f×N×A) This means that hysteresis loss = η (V ×〖10〗^8)/(√2 π×f×N×A) fV = (η ×〖10〗^8)/(√2 π×N×A) V^2 And as such...