Recent content by EngChrisP

  1. E

    Possible to calculate shear stress from this?

    nvm guys i see what the vibe here is like, if no one wants to help me that's cool. Of course I've googled curved beams, I'm completely lost, and I don't see myself getting much help here. Thanks anyway guys.
  2. E

    Possible to calculate shear stress from this?

    Well I really don't know where to begin here to be honest!
  3. E

    Possible to calculate shear stress from this?

    anyone willing to help supply an answer and not try to make themselves out to be smarter than someone else please? =)
  4. E

    Possible to calculate shear stress from this?

    Oh ok, I do know how to analyze a straight beam yes.
  5. E

    Possible to calculate shear stress from this?

    I do not, so I guess it is not possible to obtain shear stress from this problem? Thanks for the help anyway!
  6. E

    Possible to calculate shear stress from this?

    I've done a lot of tests and it does seem to be the case. Let's assume it is even though it might not be, how could that value be determined, if it actually can? Thanks
  7. E

    Possible to calculate shear stress from this?

    Ok, so I would like to know if something is possible. I have a bamboo ring, which has been cut in half, and had a piece of fabric soaked in epoxy placed in between to act as a flange. Under compression, the main failure occurs at the fabric/bamboo connection, as a result of shear stress. Is...