Recent content by emergentsystem

  1. E

    What would happen to an earth sized body of water?

    I realize that planets cannot blink into existence, it is a theoretical question meant to facilitate discussion. I am aware of the impossibilities (uniform 50C, full water composition, orbiting our sun, sudden materialization) involved. I apologise if questions are expected to be more focused...
  2. E

    What would happen to an earth sized body of water?

    Assuming no other compounds are initially present, what would happen to a body of Earth's mass, orbiting the sun at Earth's distance and speed, which is entirely composed of water? Assume that it just blinks into existence, and initially all the water molecules are arranged in a liquid sphere...
  3. E

    How fast can a particle rotate?

    My thinking was that the object's location does not change, in that it's only movement is rotation. So it does not have any momentum other than angular momentum. Really I was interested in any sort of answer regardless of the size of the object, perhaps more can be said about rotation of larger...
  4. E

    How fast can a particle rotate?

    I see. So everything except fundamental particles can be rotated fast enough to break apart? Are there any exceptions to this? I was actually more interested in maximum speed of physical rotation of particles, I should have been more clear. Thanks for your answer anyway.
  5. E

    How fast can a particle rotate?

    Is the "spin" property of particles related to rotation? And is there a way to calculate the maximum rotation speed for composite particles?
  6. E

    How fast can a particle rotate?

    Without moving in any direction, what is the maximum speed at which a particle can rotate? Does it depend on its mass or size? Is there a maximum speed of rotation analogous to or dependent on the speed of light? If so, are there any odd temporal effects from the perspective of the particle...
  7. E

    Orbits of objects of equal mass

    What basic types of stable orbits are there for sets of objects of equal mass? For example, with one object it would just be stationary, with two objects they would rotate at equal speed around a common centre with a constant distance between them (and more complicated stable orbits where...