Recent content by Elvis 123456789

  1. Elvis 123456789

    Possible error in Marion and Thornton's Classical Dynamics?

    Homework Statement so I was going over my notes on classical mechanics and just started to review rotation matrices which is the first topic the book starts with. On page 3, I've uploaded the page here The rotation matrix associated with 1.2a and 1.2b is \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta &...
  2. Elvis 123456789

    Collision of alpha with Be -> C + gamma

    Homework Statement Before the discovery of the neutron, it was proposed that the penetrating radiation produced when beryllium was bombarded with alpha particles consisted of high-energy &gamma rays (up to 50 MeV) produced in reactions such as α + 9Be --> 13C + γ a.) Calculate the Q value for...
  3. Elvis 123456789

    A rope falling off an inclined plane

    The part that sort of bothers me is the "h" part in mgh for U(x). For continuous bodies I am used to having to integrate over the whole part that contributes potential energy instead of just taking the position of the center of mass.
  4. Elvis 123456789

    A rope falling off an inclined plane

    Homework Statement A rope of length L is falling off an incline. Part of the rope is still on top of the horizontal surface. There is no friction between the incline and the rope. The incline is at an angle theta above the horizontal. a) What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the rope...
  5. Elvis 123456789

    Why did you choose math over physics or vice versa?

    I am currently in the process of introspection and reflection in order to determine whether I will apply to graduate school in physics or mathematics. I, like dkotschessaa, also view mathematics as more "pure" and more "perfect" than physics. On the one hand, there is physics which appears more...
  6. Elvis 123456789

    Tension Exercise on frictionless inclined plane

    I can't really see the details of your diagram too well, but why are you assuming that block 2 has an acceleration in the x-direction?
  7. Elvis 123456789

    Solve Spring Gun Problem: Recoil Speed Calculation

    On the relevant equations section, you wrote conservation of energy, yet you did not use it.
  8. Elvis 123456789

    Statics:Find the Tension in a rope holding a boom

    Post the entire problem statement.
  9. Elvis 123456789

    What is the Thermal Efficiency of an Engine?

    You must attempt the question yourself. Get as far as you can and then post that attempt here so that the homework helpers can see where your misunderstanding comes in.
  10. Elvis 123456789

    Conservation of energy hard problem.

    That is the same result you derived; he just went ahead and actually solved for "d".
  11. Elvis 123456789

    Finding ez: Solving a 3D Vector Equation

    Do you know what it means for a vector to have a unit length (i.e. to be a unit vector)?
  12. Elvis 123456789

    Conservation of energy hard problem.

    Your method looks good. The answer should be correct.
  13. Elvis 123456789

    Courses Partial Differential Equations vs Classical Mechanics 2?

    Yah I've thought about dropping the intro to advanced math class, I just haven't because I really want to get into proof based mathematics a lot more. Not to mention that the class is a prerequisite for higher level math classes such as topology and real analysis. The PDE's class is taught by...
  14. Elvis 123456789

    Courses Partial Differential Equations vs Classical Mechanics 2?

    Hello everyone. So I wanted to get some opinions on what some of you thought was a better choice, as far taking PDE's or classical mechanics 2 goes. First let me start off by giving a little info; I've already taken calc 1-3 and ordinary differential equations, physics 1 & 2...
  15. Elvis 123456789

    Signal strength of a wave packet

    I have a factor of 2 in the front to account for that. Is that not right?