Recent content by Eleknar

  1. E

    Is there an age bias in physics?

    If I were an employer and I had to choose between: The 36 year old, mature, recent Ph.D. graduate who has actually lived in and advanced through the real world. Or The 27 year old recent Ph.D. graduate who has only ever known school, still lives with mommy, and knows nothing about the real...
  2. E

    Learn from My Mistake: What to Do When You Forgot to Drop a Class

    How could you seriously have had no clue whatsoever that you were still registered for that class? You didn't receive any kind of school emails pertaining to the class or see any kind of financial statements reflecting your enrollment or anything? Nothing? I'm not trying to upset you or...
  3. E

    Schools Did I Make the Wrong Decision for my Mechanical Engineering PhD Program?

    Here's my piece: Your advisor is important, yes, but whether or not you get a job will not certainly be based on who your advisor was, especially in industry or federal employment. Most people working in physics were able to obtain employment because of their strong academic and research background.
  4. E

    What are the job prospects for physics graduates in industry?

    It's also possible, even at the B.S. level, to get involved with engineering. Ultimately, there are jobs out there, but many of them might require that you be willing to relocate.
  5. E

    What are the job prospects for physics graduates in industry?

    Ah, I see. Keep trying though! You'll get something eventually! Best of luck to you :)
  6. E

    What are the job prospects for physics graduates in industry?

    Do you have your Ph.D.? If so, I can't imagine that you can't find *anything*, not even post docs.
  7. E

    Programs Should I get a degree in physics?

    It doesn't matter what you did in high school so long as you graduate and are able to get into university. Your teacher failing to actually teach is irrelevant. You will learn what you need to know about physics from the university you attend. As for your primary question, "Should I get a degree...
  8. E

    Schools Chemistry or Physics? College Course - Year 11 Australia

    A lot of people would say that chemistry is more difficult than physics, academically speaking, but it really just depends on you. Neither is easy. Also, make sure you're getting at least seven hours of sleep every night. It's vital.
  9. E

    Is there an age bias in physics?

    I don't understand why a school (or anyone else for that matter) would specifically look to hire someone under the age of 35/40. I don't get it. Regardless, the two links you posted are the only positions I've ever seen that specify an age max.
  10. E

    Schools Chemistry or Physics? College Course - Year 11 Australia

    I was wondering this too. My guess is that, since he's nearing the end of high school, it's probably a "one or the other" kind of deal. Regardless, he'll be able to do both at the university level.
  11. E

    Is there an age bias in physics?

    Thanks for the feedback, and yes, I'm sure I'm asking the right question. I understand that many physics majors end up doing something outside of the field of physics, but that doesn't mean that I'll be one of them. There's no way to know without going after it and seeing what happens. I...
  12. E

    Is there an age bias in physics?

    Thanks for the encouragement! There's another physics major at my school who just started working on his B.S. at the age of 39.
  13. E

    Schools Chemistry or Physics? College Course - Year 11 Australia

    "So, you're telling me that it's probably inconsequential either way?" I honestly don't think that choosing one over the other will have any kind of significant impact on what you do or are able to do later on in life. "Will choosing either Chem or Physics now give me an advantage for the...
  14. E

    Is there an age bias in physics?

    I'm 27 years old and I recently quit my job to go back to school for physics. I just finished up my first semester and I'm about to start the Summer semester (I'm technically a sophomore though, even though I'm just starting, because I do have transfer credits). I have to do a few different math...
  15. E

    Schools Chemistry or Physics? College Course - Year 11 Australia

    Do whatever you're most interested in and don't worry about which one would better connect to a specific career. You'll worry about that when you get to university. For now, just take whatever you think you would most enjoy. I would say, however, that physics would probably make better use of...