Recent content by Elana

  1. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    no, he said with other drinks too. but whatever
  2. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    He puts a glass rod in his coffee and tells everyone to guess why he does, offers money to the one that comes up with the right, scientific answer. A metal spoon would do as well, I quote. It's not for stirring, nor identifying his cup.
  3. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup? would this work with a small glass rod too?
  4. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    then keep the oxygen in the liquid, contain its freshness and taste?
  5. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    true... could molecules be attracted to the metal or glass? could the hydrogen stick to it or go up to the surface?
  6. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    The tube does not have an inner diameter, but that would be something worth experimenting! That's the kind of answer I'm looking for :P I'll propose those ideas! thanks!
  7. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    Trust me I've thought about everything outside the box... the box is sealed with multiples layers and I have to open it! :P And that Mad Scientist image is pretty funny :P
  8. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    I know... well, no wonder he offers money to the one who figures the answer out
  9. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    This is going to bug me for the rest of my days... :P Same here... my teacher said it was chemistry/physics related... And that it wasn't about the heat of the liquid... So I'm clueless...
  10. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    I already know the solution isn't stiring. And yes I've seen it, it could be possible... however he did say that the effect could be reproduced using a spoon with any other drink, so i don't think it's for filtering
  11. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    If it would be as easy as stiring (which we did ask) I would not put this up :P
  12. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    That's what I thought too but he said that wasn't it... Though when I asked if it was to somewhat keep the liquid's heat (even thought it wouldn't make a big difference...) he said it wasn't it either. Would it be possible for the rod to keep the molecules in movement?
  13. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    Not really... he just leaves it in there all the time.
  14. E

    ENIGMA: Why put a glass rod in coffee cup?

    Hello All, One of my science teachers puts a glass rod in his coffee, but he won't tell us why... I was wondering if there was a physic/chemistry related explanation to this. He said that the effect did not occur before when he didn't put it in. Adding the glass rod ''solved the...