Recent content by ejensen6

  1. E

    Low Cost, High Index of Refraction?

    I have my introductory physics students determine the index of refraction of various solids using fairly conventional methods (lining up pins or determining critical angle). I think this experiment would be more interesting if I could vary it more. I would like to find a substance with the...
  2. E

    Courses Online Calculus-Based Physics Course?

    Regarding the original question, Colorado Community Colleges Online also offers online calculus-based physics. Regarding acceptance of credit, transcripts generally do not mention delivery method. If the school is an accredited, bricks and mortar school that happens to offer the physics...
  3. E

    Calculating force to displace water

    Gazebo dude is correct. My solution would be the correct solution at low speed, but at 25 cm/s drag forces would likely be significant. With the changing orthographic projection of the plunger, this force would be variable despite the constant speed. You might be able to model the drag force...
  4. E

    Calculating force to displace water

    Start with Newton's first law for the plunger since it moves with constant velocity. You have a normal force, a downward weight force, and an upward buoyant force: F_net = 0 N + W + F_b = 0 In the above equation, the unknown of interest is the normal force. The weight force can be...
  5. E

    Accurate, Affordable Digital Thermometer?

    I'm looking for an accurate and reasonably priced digital thermometer. Our lab has lots of cheap models that provide precision of 0.1 C but are only accurate to +/- 1 C. I can lump them together in a room and get a range of about 3 C. Some sellers don't even provide the accuracy information on...
  6. E

    Optimal House Color in Cold Climate

    OK, it looks like we have 4 different answers to question 1: 1) Paint it black to maximize visible absorption. 2) Cover it with foil to minimize IR emission. 3) It really doesn't matter. 4) It depends. I'm going with 3 and 4 unless someone can provide evidence for 1 or 2. Regarding the...
  7. E

    Optimal House Color in Cold Climate

    Dadface, I'm not sure you understand my questions. Your answer looks at only one of the two interactions. Reducing emission makes sense, but this would also tend to reduce the amount of absorbed radiation from the sun. It seems it would be best to get a poor emitter of infrared and a good...
  8. E

    Optimal House Color in Cold Climate

    Turbo, what is your evidence?
  9. E

    Optimal House Color in Cold Climate

    Bob, what is your proof for your first assertion?
  10. E

    Optimal House Color in Cold Climate

    A house with AC in a hot climate should be painted white (or covered with mirrors) to reduce absorption of light from the hotter sun and surrounding objects. That seems obvious. But what should cover a house in a cold climate? The house interacts with a system that is hotter than it (the sun)...
  11. E

    House Color and Heat: Visible vs. IR Radiation

    Temperature Doesn't Explain Everything The fact that the sun is hot is only part of the solution. There are stars much hotter than the sun, but we don't get much energy from them because they are so far away. I've read somewhere that the mean intensity of sunlight at the surface of the Earth...
  12. E

    House Color and Heat: Visible vs. IR Radiation

    Thanks much. So your answer to my second question is no, we can infer little about an object's IR properties from its visible properties. But I'm not sure if you answered my first question. Radiation needn't come directly from the sun, so how can we be sure that most of the energy is visible?
  13. E

    House Color and Heat: Visible vs. IR Radiation

    It is often claimed that in a hot climate, it is better to paint one's house white because it will reflect more radiation, while black paint will absorb more radiation. It seems clear that other things equal, this is correct. But I have two questions regarding this. 1) Which is more important...
  14. E

    Schools Physics 1 (University Physics) Online

    Your school could be in violation of an articulation agreement if they refuse to accept credit from a community college. I teach an online algebra-based physics course at Chemeketa Community College and my students never have had a problem. I would encourage you to get something in writing, then...
  15. E

    Courses Online Physics Course: 2 Month Short Course UK

    I will teach on online physics course from the USA this summer which is roughly the equivalent of A level or slightly higher. Since you are in the UK system, it might be a hassle transferring credit, though. You should also check the Open University to see what they offer.