Recent content by einsteinian77

  1. E

    Can They All Cross the River? A Puzzle for Six People and One Boat

    The king and queen cross over first. Then the queen goes back to pick up the knights' wife and drops herself, the queen, off with her king. The knights' wife then goes back and picks up the knight, the knight gets dropped off with the king and queen. Then the knights' wife goes and picks up the...
  2. E

    Poker Challenge: Three of a Kind vs. Straight Flush

    I assume that most of you have played poker at some time so here is a poker question. When dealt only three cards with three's being wild, are the odds of getting three of a kind higher or lower than getting a straight flush? Keep in mind you can only use the three cards that are dealt to you...
  3. E

    How do you guys view other people

    I view the people who aren't interested in physics and math necessary I love having a society where everyone has different skills and interests.
  4. E

    The Best Poem - What do you Think?

    Dylan Thomas's "Do not go gentle into that good night."
  5. E

    Weird and wonderful Physic & MAth Formula

    http://archive try or just go to The Einstein Equations site and look under "mathmine field equations in 2d".
  6. E

    Pool & Physics: Uncovering the Science Behind the Game

    Anyone here play pool? There is a great deal of physics in pool. I myself being a person who studies physics picked up the game pretty intuitively.
  7. E

    God releases Satan ? Why God allow Evil to exist?

    An authentic sign of the end of the world.
  8. E

    How many languages do you speak?

    English and slurred english that's about it
  9. E

    What commands can you give the Subservient Chicken?

    Is that for real? There is really a guy taking those orders, or is it some type of trick?
  10. E

    What commands can you give the Subservient Chicken?

    what is the deal behind that?
  11. E

    There is no life after death (and no hell)

    Revelation to John "I was once dead but now I'm alive forever and ever, I hold the keys to both death and HADES". Thats only one among many references to which the bible mentions hell. You also mention that the bible has no mentioning of immortal souls, again in Revelation to John he talks about...
  12. E

    Darwin Was Wrong: Woodpeckers Show Why

    what does that have to do with anything?
  13. E

    What Are the Biggest Spiders That Can Be Found Under Beds?

    didn't they eat those things on Fear Factor while still alive? the spiders that is
  14. E

    Why is the speed of light the same relative to any frame of reference?

    Prior to the big bang everything was constant, so to ask the question why something is constant I think you need to look at what made the singularity change.