Recent content by economy

  1. E

    What Does Your Desktop Wallpaper Say About You?

    Take a screenshot of your desktop and post it here! If you're feeling kind, include your wallpaper separately too.
  2. E

    Too late to start a career in physics?

    Generally, graduate programs demand a certain level of experience that can only be earned through an undergraduate degree, or work experience. Sometimes exceptions are granted, and this may be what you're looking for. If you can prove that you have sufficient knowledge in the subject, you might...
  3. E

    Too late to start a career in physics?

    Hey Jonathan, It's never too late to start learning anything, especially physics. You clearly have a background in science, and this will help you succeed in your study of physics. Considering that you also have family members who are, presumably, knowledgeable physicists, you will always have...