Recent content by ECO Maverick

  1. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    A huge thank you Sir. Everyone else said its too expensive or couldn't be done. Again very much appreciated, and with no attitude.
  2. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    I have asked from the beginning and will repeat it; What type of insulation is required to bring High voltage lines closer together? But every response gets into a major upheaval about costs or act like it's impossible.
  3. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    $ Money $. At some point the need for upgrading existing power lines has to be addressed. The SAD part is people today above 30 years of age keeps whining about the cost to them TODAY. What about the people that are under 40 that will be BURDENED by the costs( cost keeps going up) to upgrade an...
  4. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    No, I need an engineer to consult and discuss without looking down on me with a higher than thou attitude. With all due respect not you of course.
  5. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    Actually, yes. I'm hoping to start a revolution in High speed travel and combining it with a renewal of transmission power corridors.
  6. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    I was looking for specific material's for insulation and ideas of limiting issue's such as arching, etc.
  7. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    Is there an obstacle when running power transmission lines on towers such as heat? If there is can it be used or siphoned off to an alternate path or use?
  8. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    What type of insulation would be best suitable for bringing power transmission lines(approx, 150,000 volts) on transmission towers closer together?
  9. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    Its time for a revolution, in Rail and Resource movement. We in the U S and Canada need a maverick. I bet we could find the investors in China to buy bonds for a High Speed NEXT Generation Non underailable Rail network. That could be a part of a whole new hydro corridor. Now after...
  10. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    Also the amount of armed civilians that have armed forces experienced that Know the truth(government lies, 911 war on terror) sets up a very interesting scene for the future When eventually the truth is out and the Empire crashes( Trump threatening the Chinese who hold TRILLIONS in cashble...
  11. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    Personaly, I don't approve of the republican or democrats the same for (our)conservative or liberals. When 90 children can die in one year( under the care of our courts and childrens aid) and NOTHING-ZERO was said. I look at today's world with a science/realistic mind and think it's a fcuked up...
  12. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    Also the agreement say's the U S can commandeer our water.
  13. E

    Electrical power corridor supply

    I will research the exact 3's and get back to you on it. But the biggest political football in Ontario is the HIGH cost of hydro. On a separate note WE in kanada are getting FLEECED by the FREE trade agreement that (1) we produce hydro at cost and Have to sell it to the U S at something like...