Recent content by Eats Dirt

  1. E

    Physics Career progression in Geophysics?

    Hey All, I am a soon to be graduate (this spring) from my masters degree in particle physics in Canada, I do not want to do 4+ more years of school for a PhD, so I am job hunting at the moment. I was looking for jobs in finance and or tech approaching graduation, however I fear tech job...
  2. E

    Intro statistics question: probability of intersection

    Their intersection would be a subset of S say, ##Sub = \{ H \}.##
  3. E

    Intro statistics question: probability of intersection

    But it is asking about the probability of their "Intersection" so shouldn't the intersection between the two overlap completely and be 1?
  4. E

    Intro statistics question: probability of intersection

    Yes, I agree that A = B in this sense because there are two options, heads or tails - getting a head and not getting a tail is the same thing. By definition the intersection would be those elements that are in common between the events, in this case getting heads. It is 100% certain in terms of...
  5. E

    Intro statistics question: probability of intersection

    Homework Statement If event A equals event B, then the probability of their intersection is 1. True or False? Apparently the correct answer is False. The Attempt at a Solution If A=B then they should overlap entirely and their intersection should be 1? The only way I see this working is if...
  6. E

    Calculating Density of States and Occupied States in 1D Chain of Atoms

    Homework Statement The system is a chain of atoms in 1D length L and number of atoms N. and \epsilon_k=\hbar c_s k a) What is the density of states? b)The number of states that can be occupied (use boundary conditions) c) Determine w_d(I think this is the debye frequency) in terms of N,L,k...
  7. E

    Mastering Physics: Finding a Project in Southern Ontario

    I want to do a masters. Currently I am doing my undergrad(4th year) in southern Ontario; my marks in math/physics are around A-. I enjoy quantum and atomic physics and am looking for a project, ideally in computational physics applying it to the former topics. I have emailed some professors, but...
  8. E

    Singlet and Triplet Terms misunderstanding

    Hi, thanks for the reply. I still don't quite understand how this connects to the total level L values, for example why does the G state exclusively have a singlet ^{2S+1}L_{J}
  9. E

    Singlet and Triplet Terms misunderstanding

    I am a little unclear on why in atomic physics that the total orbital momentum terms have to be specifically singlet or triplet states, for example G -Singlet F -Triplet D -Singlet P -Triplet S -Singlet I think it has to do with the pauli exclusion principle but don't really understand the...
  10. E

    Potential of Spherical Shell with Nonunifor Surface Charge

    Yes, the orthogonal P terms will cancel out!
  11. E

    A system has non-degenerate energy levels with energy

    Ok I think I might have gotten it, to deal with the infinite sum use a geometric series, \sum_0^\inf e^\frac{-(n+\frac{1}{2})}{k_b T} \\ =e^\frac{-\hbar\omega}{2k_b T}\sum_0^\inf e^\frac{-n}{k_b T}\\ =\frac{e^\frac{-\hbar\omega}{2k_b T}}{1-e^\frac{-\hbar\omega}{k_b T} then evaluate using...
  12. E

    A system has non-degenerate energy levels with energy

    Homework Statement A system has non-degenerate energy levels with energy \epsilon=(n+1/2)\hbar\omega where h-bar*omega=1.4*10^-23J and n positive integer zero what is the probability that it is in n=1 state with a heat bath of temperature 1K Homework Equations Z=\exp^\frac{-E_i}{k_b T} \\...
  13. E

    Potential of Spherical Shell with Nonunifor Surface Charge

    You need to write \cos^3\theta In terms of legendre polynomials to do this integral easily. See wikipedia for the P polynomials I'll try and get you started. We start without cos^3theta term, and now we need to find the...
  14. E

    Multipole expansion - small problem

    Hey, I had another problem I input the multipole expansion into the integral \frac{1}{\epsilon_o}\int^{r}_{0}\int^{2\pi}_{0}\int^{\pi}_{0}\frac{r'^2...