Recent content by E7.5

  1. E

    Programs How do you know when a major is not right for you?

    I read elsewhere that if you're studying something like 8 hours per day for college and you're not getting 'A's, then you most likely don't have the natural aptitude for that particular major and will not succeed in that field due to limitations of innate ability. Is there a certain threshold...
  2. E

    Mathematica Free alternative to Mathematica?

    This software takes up 7 gigabytes :eek: but if it can compute this integral, then I'll keep it around. Edit: Nope, it doesn't work :(
  3. E

    Mathematica Free alternative to Mathematica?

    In Mathematica, I computed the integral ##\lim\limits_{n\to\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} \int\limits_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{2}} \frac{\sin((2n+1)x)}{\sinh(x)} \ dx## and it incorrectly output the answer ##-\frac{3\pi}{2}##. I wanted to try a different CAS software that might provide a different answer, but so...
  4. E

    Verbatim: What Is a Photocopier?

    omg that ending made me lose it
  5. E

    Lingusitics How many languages can you speak?

    I am a native English speaker but I don't even speak English well. So maybe like half a language?
  6. E

    Cannot get an REU and my school doesn't have any research

    I just need the research to get into graduate school (Phd program) in math, because my school is not even on the map (it doesn't even have a college profile on USNews). I only have the minimum math classes I can take (because my school doesn't offer many upper-level or advanced math courses)...
  7. E

    Cannot get an REU and my school doesn't have any research

    Our school does not have an engineering program or department. We have one physics research group doing nanomaterials, but they don't do much theory or math. I wanted to do research in analysis or modern algebra.
  8. E

    Cannot get an REU and my school doesn't have any research

    What should I do if I haven't been accepted into any REUs I applied to, and my school doesn't offer any research for my major (mathematics)? Is there any other alternative to than just keep applying to tons of REUs?
  9. E

    Finding a direction to not change the level

    Homework Statement You are walking on the graph of ##f(x,y) = y cos(\pi x) - x cos(\pi y) + 10##, standing at the point ##(2,1,13)##. Find an x, y-direction you should walk into stay at the same level.Homework Equations ##D_u f = \nabla \cdot \textbf{u}##The Attempt at a Solution The...
  10. E

    Why is the Triangle Set Not Closed?

    But the missing edge is open, so there cannot be any points on that edge to be the center of a disc acting as a boundary point, can there?
  11. E

    Why is the Triangle Set Not Closed?

    So is it then not always true that a set is closed if it contains all of its boundary points?
  12. E

    Why is the Triangle Set Not Closed?

    I mean the interior of the triangle with one edge omitted. Why is it not closed then, according to the fact that a set is closed if it contains all of its boundary points? Doesn't the figure, even with one edge omitted, contain all the boundary points of its edges?
  13. E

    Why is the Triangle Set Not Closed?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations A set is closed if it contains alll of its boundary points. A boundary point is a point where an open ball around that point has one point inside the ball that's in the set, and one point in the ball that's not in the set.The Attempt at a Solution As seen...
  14. E

    Question regarding Stewart Calculus Book.

    I don't know offhand the explicit differences. I personally would not shell out any extra money for Stewart. In fact, unless you have homework problems from the book that you are required to turn in, I would not purchase Stewart at all. International editions are just the same textbooks...
  15. E

    Question regarding Stewart Calculus Book.

    The custom edition has material not covered in the course stripped out. I think it may be similar to UC Berkeley's custom edition Stewart, which is a lighter version of the stock one.