Recent content by DWEdmondson

  1. D

    Chicken or Egg? Gravity & Spacetime

    "Relativity for Poets" is gold thanks! Learn and understand the equivalence principle first, then understand what is actually meant by curvature of spacetime before asking silly questions. Thanks once again.
  2. D

    Chicken or Egg? Gravity & Spacetime

    So I am left with "Gravity IS the curvature of spacetime" right? Are there any links to the description of gravity in layman terms that does not involve complicated mathematics? I am starting to think that even Einstein has left the door open on this topic and I am wondering why we don't have a...
  3. D

    Chicken or Egg? Gravity & Spacetime

    Sorry my source is
  4. D

    Chicken or Egg? Gravity & Spacetime

    Thank you for that link. Prof. Wheeler is indeed an eloquent writer unlike Albert Einstein who I find a tad equivocal. I find Alberts remarks a little confusing at times.
  5. D

    Chicken or Egg? Gravity & Spacetime

    Thank you. I have read that "Gravity is most accurately described by the general theory of relativity (proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915) which describes gravity, not as a force, but as a consequence of the curvature of spacetime caused by the uneven distribution of mass/energy." Is this...
  6. D

    Chicken or Egg? Gravity & Spacetime

    Is gravity the effect of the curvature of spacetime or does gravity effect the curvature of spacetime?
  7. D

    Is universe finite or infinite?

    My thoughts are more along the line of infinite 3D spirals of infinite size in either direction...if you can get your head around that! Can someone show me how to express that mathematically?? p.s. by "3D SPIRAL" I mean a spherical spiral with the diminishing point at the centre and all other...
  8. D

    Scientific Research in the Field of Physics

    I guess if could ask someone who is dyslexic how they cope with everyday life they would properly tell you that they need to think about things through twice before they put it into practice, just to avoid making silly errors and then having to correct themselves. Some people think better when...
  9. D

    Why is the universe expanding?

    Thanks for the replies. I agree with SHISHKABOB in that it would be difficult to verify my idea. However if the universe is of infinite size then all we could ever possibly see would be a point that is infinitely small even though we can see billions of light years from Earth. Perhaps the bit we...
  10. D

    Why is the universe expanding?

    Has anyone ever considered that as the universe expands that the individual bodies are in fact not traveling in a straight line but in fact curving around other bodies in a degrading orbit and accelerating as they are drawn in towards the centre of the orbit only to eventually end up in another...