Recent content by Durato

  1. D

    Divergence and curl rule simplification?

    Just for reference, i got this question from reading an online ebook: The bottom equation on page 24 is where i these equations came up. I have been reading some stuff and i keep coming across an annotation which looks exactly like a...
  2. D

    Can worms and turkey guts be turned into oil?

    What do you think? Why haven't we heard of this on the news?"
  3. D

    Can determinants be calculated using tensor notation?

    I can't believe i didn't see it! Thanks guys!:smile:
  4. D

    Can determinants be calculated using tensor notation?

    [SOLVED] Tensor notation-Determinants I'm trying to learn the basics of Tensor calculus using a free online book (Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics), and I got stuck on this question (Part 2 in book, after non-math introduction). link to part 2, questions (mine #19) at...
  5. D

    Can a Moving Rod in a Magnetic Field Produce a Voltage?

    Thx! I think I get the concept now. All i need is to derive the equation and see that it is the same as the one derived using the conceptual loop.
  6. D

    Can a Moving Rod in a Magnetic Field Produce a Voltage?

    I'm a little confused. They derived the voltage induced in a rod by pretending the rod was in a circuit (u-shaped metal with rod connecting the sides). But how does this apply to a single rod?
  7. D

    Can a Moving Rod in a Magnetic Field Produce a Voltage?

    OK, so I forget the exact problem, since it was on a test, but here's basically what it stated. Homework Statement There's a magnetic field pointing directly into the page. A vertical rod, perpendicular to the magnetic field, is placed in it and is moved with a velocity v to the right. Then...
  8. D

    Lenz's Law and counter torque in relation to electrostatic induction

    Thanks cabraham for the response! Just for clarification, are you saying that current in the metal strip is not present, assuming the strip isn't connected to anything else? It's a good point that displacement current will exist and cause a counter torque. I haven't been exposed to this concept...
  9. D

    Lenz's Law and counter torque in relation to electrostatic induction

    I'm guessing not much of a current forms. Though a voltage may form. In a battery, the positive side is continuously supplied electrons and the negative side supplies them. In this case, this doesn't happen. So an external circuit with electrons being injected into the positive side would have...
  10. D

    Gravity and Weight: Understanding the Relationship and Common Misconceptions

    I guess i better explain 'weight' in a more intuitive manner. Let's say we have two shopping carts, one which is laden with groceries and the other which is empty. Which one will it be easier to accelerate in a certain amount of time to a certain velocity. The empty one of course! The heavy cart...
  11. D

    Gravity and Weight: Understanding the Relationship and Common Misconceptions

    When someone says that gravity 'acts the same' on all objects, what they mean is that the acceleration is the same. However, the force is defined as mass times acceleration. Weight is a synonym for force, so therefore varying masses produce a varying force. That's the mathematical reason...
  12. D

    Lenz's Law and counter torque in relation to electrostatic induction

    All right, I was just wandering about something. First, when we have a electric generator, than the rotor in it will rotate easily until current is drawn from it, correct? In other words, counter torque won't be produced until current is drawn. If this isn't true, than just stop reading the...
  13. D

    Charge distributions vs. voltage on an infinite plate

    Ok, thanks, i actually found many examples in my book about calculating force using charge distribution. I would prefer voltage, maybe i'll find a method to use this, like charge image method, but i think that's all. Thanks for all the help!
  14. D

    Charge distributions vs. voltage on an infinite plate

    Woops, i phrased the problem wrong. I wasn't talking about parallel plates. Imagine these two plates lying flat, side by side on, a table. That's the type of configuration i was talking about. Technically, the hydrogen thing is not a battery, rather it's a half cell. i.e., a simple 'battery' is...
  15. D

    Charge distributions vs. voltage on an infinite plate

    Exactly. Which is why i was interested in measuring floating point voltages, which normal voltmeters can't do. I've searched online and have seen instruments that can, but whatever. This is disappointing about the voltage. But, what's keep eating at me that since voltage is such a common...