Recent content by duordi134

  1. D

    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    I will take your advice and rethink myself and include the reference Pervect gave in his post. I think space-time exists as an infinite number of equally valid observers coordinate system and that there is no preferred coordinates systems which must produce all possible physical results...
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    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    You are assuming space time must be flat and that your coordinate system is a "preferred coordinate system" which is the only one allowed. Accelerating to close to light speeds causes space time to warp. The distance between any particles in space is relative and not a fixed distance. Suppose I...
  3. D

    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    No a Lorentz telescope requires velocity to operate. Lets suppose the Lorentz contraction is real. If I accelerate my spaceship close to the speed of light the universe will flatten like a pancake in the direction I am moving. So if I take a picture of a star it should be closer than it was...
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    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    I was intending to compare two sets of particles. One set of particles Muons travel very fast and another set "not-muons" travel slow. Both carry photographic information. When I develop the pictures the muon photo is younger because of the travel velocity but also an additional amount younger...
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    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    Suppose the Hubble space telescope were to take pictures of a pulsar with a two second interval in the Andromeda galaxy which happens to be in the Hubble telescopes orbital plane. Andromeda is approaching the Milky way at 110 Kilometers per second...
  6. D

    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    As in the case with the muon's The "close to the speed of light" muon's are younger when they reach Earth regardless of what coordinate system you use. If the muon's carried photographic information we would have recorded a younger...
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    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    Good point, The Lorentz image will not be of the past past but the future. Lorentz contraction of the distance to Andromeda will cause the image to arrive sooner than it would otherwise so I will see an image which my normal telescope will receive at a later time. Thanks for the comment!
  8. D

    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    This Muon experiment produced relativistic results. The results can be viewed as a time delay or Lorentz contraction depending on the coordinate system you choose but either coordinate system will work. So with the spaceship camera I...
  9. D

    Will Light Speed Travel Affect Perception of Andromeda Galaxy's Age and Distance?

    Andromeda galaxy is measured as about 2,500,000 light years from me as I am at rest with respect to the Earth. Using luminosity of known objects in Andromeda. I have a close to light speed spaceship which is pointing toward the Andromeda galaxy with a camera mounted on the nose cone. I am going...
  10. D

    EMrocket Engine: Does it Violate Newton's Law?

    This is a wiki which give a good over view. Here is an article about the specific equipment. Thanks Duordi
  11. D

    EMrocket Engine: Does it Violate Newton's Law?

    Recently there has been much discussion about an EM rocket engine China has built which clams to give propulsion without ejecting mass, violating Newtons conservation of momentum. Does Einsteins General relativity equations require conservation of momentum? Does this claim violate General or...
  12. D

    Mass required for a closed universe.

    Mordred "the other problem is that BH's typically rotate, that rotation would impart a rotation upon our universe, a rotating universe cannot be homogeneous and isotropic". Mass enters a black hole rotating however once it enters a black hole it can not rotate because it has to rotate with...
  13. D

    Mass required for a closed universe.

    We seem to falling into the future, into time. Is time a preferred direction? I receive no light from the future, only from the past but I am used to this and do not tend to question why this is the case. This would seem to give time a preferred direction. Duordi
  14. D

    Mass required for a closed universe.

    Thanks this is just what I was looking for. Duordi
  15. D

    Mass required for a closed universe.

    What would it take for the Milky way to be closed? OK, Here is the long description. I recently had discussion which revolved around what we would see if our galaxy was inside a black hole. The first question was, could we tell? Although this may seem obvious it was pointed out that in...