Recent content by Dunhausen

  1. D

    LaTeX Observing Wave-Particle Duality in a Classical Experiment

    This is what's happening: (space after "-demonstrates wave particle duality") This is the surrounding code: \begin{multicols}{2} \section*{\centerline{Classical Experiment}} \begin{singlespace*} \begin{itemize*} \item demonstrates particle/wave duality \end{itemize*}...
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    How Can Engineers Approach Chemistry Through Interdisciplinary Projects?

    I am devising some extra credit projects and/or problems for my students. Very few (in fact, only one) are actually studying chemistry. The rest are mostly engineers. I was hoping to come up with some things which would let them come at chemistry from the perspective of their other...
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    Program to search for curves which fit experimental data

    Hmm... I don't think from the ones of those I know how to use that they support such a feature (if so I'll be pretty miffed I never knew about it!). Fitting curves, yes, but you have to state explicitly the equation you are trying to fit. In any case, I believe I have found what I was...
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    Program to search for curves which fit experimental data

    Does anyone remember a program (or know of something similar!) which, given a compilation of data, would search for equations which best fit the data? The one I'm thinking of came out ~ a year ago. It was a Windows-only program but it worked fine under wine. Unfortunately my time spent on...
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    Tool to read contents of a web page
  6. D

    Why did my computer turn itself on after a power outage?

    Sometimes there can be settings in the BIOS which tell it to boot.
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    How to Enable Duplex Printing on Linux Printer Properties

    If you're printing from the command line the way to tell it to do duplex printing is lpr -Zduplex filetorprint.pdf I think most programs (e.g., firefox, acrobat reader) let you edit the printing command they use, so just make sure the -Zduplex option is in there.
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    Number crunching machine on a small budget?

    Oh, yes, that was a mistake! Thank you! Well, let's say GPU programming is on my to do list, but it may be a while before I get to it. However, that is some pretty impressive output from the 5970. Maybe it would be worth getting one upfront as a bit of hovering encouragement to learn CUDA...
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    Number crunching machine on a small budget?

    Thanks everybody for the input! I didn't even know they made 8-core chips. :p So far this is what I'm planning to order, which hopefully accounts for everything: Component: ASUS KGPE-D16 Dual Socket G34 AMD SR5690 SSI EEB 3.61 Dual 8/12 Core AMD Opteron 6000 series Server Motherboard Price...
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    Using Slackware in College: Is it a Good Idea?

    I have used Linux exclusively in college and it's always been a boon rather than any kind of problem. It will of course depend on the nature of your professors and the department whether you will ever run into an instance where you need or want to install some proprietary windows software...
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    Number crunching machine on a small budget?

    I'm looking for as much computational power as possible for maybe 2-3 grand. This looks like a nice setup fit to the purpose, but I thought it would be good to ask and see what other people know or have been doing. (fyi I'm not really a hardware guy myself) Glad for any input!
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    Can I replace HTTP with HTTPS permanently?

    If you're using Firefox: * Install NoScript: * Click on the the icon and go to options * Click the Advanced tab and HTTPS * In the "Force the following sites to use secure (HTTPS) connections:" add in all of your favorite websites * Click ok
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    Scipy/numpy 2D array: how to define with a function?

    That is excellent! Thank you. :)
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    Scipy/numpy 2D array: how to define with a function?

    I want to make a matrix of values as so: F(0,0) . . . F(1,n) . . . F(n,1) . . . F(n,n) I could of course do it like this list=[] for i in range(0,n): for j in range(0,n): list.append(F(i,j)) a=array(list) a.reshape(n,n) But I am curious if there is a more...
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    Curve Fitting Software for Linux: Free Options Available?

    QtiPlot is similar to origin: Grace: Scigraphica: Simfit: Python...