Recent content by dunciad

  1. D

    Phase Equilibrium of Liquid and Vapor Under External Pressure

    Chester, I think that is/was the nature of my conceptual difficult. If the pressure were applied with a piston in a sealed container, and if that pressure were greater than the SVP, there would be no vapor. If the pressure is due in whole or in part to another gas phase above the liquid, still a...
  2. D

    Phase Equilibrium of Liquid and Vapor Under External Pressure

    My definition of closed system was one at constant external pressure, but not thermally insulated. I have thought more about my conceptual difficulty. Perhaps I can pose my misunderstanding in a different way. Take the phase diagram for water. Assume we have a closed contained with water, and...
  3. D

    Phase Equilibrium of Liquid and Vapor Under External Pressure

    Hi Borek. Yes I understand that. But external pressure should affect the equilibrium shouldn't it? Take the famous block of ice at around zero degress Celsius with a heavy weight attached to it by a steel wire. The pressure of the wire on the ice causes some of it to turn to liquid (and the wire...
  4. D

    Phase Equilibrium of Liquid and Vapor Under External Pressure

    Suppose you have a container of water at a given temperature T (say normal room temperature) with a vacuum above it. Presumably water will evaporate until there is sufficient vapor that the pressure of it above the water is the SVP for that temperature. Now suppose that there is air above the...