Recent content by Dude McCheese

  1. D

    Engineering Is Engineering Boring? High School Student's Perspective

    I can't speak about post-grad or industry, but I can answer this from an undergrad perspective. I'll be honest, classes/lectures can get boring sometimes. There are some assignments you don't enjoy either. But the boring parts pale in comparison to the awesome, mind blowing, interesting STUFF...
  2. D

    Australian aerospace student - military, then PhD, or straight to PhD?

    ^ Thanks, to be honest I hadn't thought of it that way.
  3. D

    Australian aerospace student - military, then PhD, or straight to PhD?

    Thanks for the advice. It is not the difficulty or hardship of the military experience that is of concern to me. I'm worried that by beginning my career in maintenance I may be sacrificing my opportunities to pursue a design career, and that when I leave the military I will be too old to be...
  4. D

    Australian aerospace student - military, then PhD, or straight to PhD?

    Hi all, I am a third year Bachelor of Aerospace engineering student at an Australian university seeking career advice. I am currently 22 and will be 24 when I graduate. As it stands, I am looking at committing to a 3 year period of service in the Australian military as an aerospace...