Recent content by DuctTapePro

  1. D

    Does dropping a Jupiter from the Pisa tower still accelerate at g = 9.81?

    ohh thanks for the replies.. i had an internet black out so i haven't been online for days... so.. independence from the mass of the second object isn't really true... it's just negligible... i get it now, thank you :)
  2. D

    Does dropping a Jupiter from the Pisa tower still accelerate at g = 9.81?

    im confused about this thing, because they said Earth's acceleration due to gravity is independent from the mass of the thing dropped
  3. D

    Studying Is this math book enough for self-studying undergrad physics?

    I'm talking about "Mathematical Tools for Physics by James Nearing". it seems it cover lots of math... but it feels like it's just a reference book.. will it be enough? or should i get more specialized books to learn each subject thoroughly?
  4. D

    Studying John Baez's list of books math prerequisites?

    my current skills in math are differential eq and linear algebra... and I am about to start reading Feynman lectures of physics and planning to read all John Baez's recommended books.. after reading Feynman's, what would be the next best thing to do? learn more math? or jump already to core...
  5. D

    Particle physicist/cosmologist

    is there other theoretical physicist that is both particle physicist and cosmologist? i only see randall sry i just need a quick answer.. anyways, ill be skimming all female scientists in wikipedia