Recent content by ducktape

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    Idea for Science Fair that deals with Tuning Forks

    Thanks, those were helpful ideas. I think ill need a new science fair idea-would you have anything in mind?
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    Idea for Science Fair that deals with Tuning Forks

    With the idea of ultrasonic transmission, how could that help the community?
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    Idea for Science Fair that deals with Tuning Forks

    Any ideas how to use tuning forks in a science fair *high school science fair*
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    How is mechanical energy converted to electrical

    could you explain this more in depth(as in the jumping of the electrons from atoms orbitals)
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    How is mechanical energy converted to electrical

    in, for example a hand cranked generator, or even a hydrocarbon based generator, when there is no ionisation/ oxidation-reduction going on to produce the electrons... where are they coming from? i know how such a generator is physically put togther, but where are the electrons coming?