Recent content by dtsormpa

  1. D

    Conditions for thermal neutron induced fission

    Actually, what I meant by the question, was if the nucleus has a low activation energy, be heavy (A > 210) and has a specific ratio N/Z. It seems that only even N nuclei can fission by thermal neutron. Is that correct?
  2. D

    Can One Individual Truly Influence the World?

    That's something I have always wondered about. Can one man just by himself, make a difference? Ghanti, was one man, Einstein was one man... Hitler was one man too :-p. But their actions reflected to the whole - and their actions came from the whole. Take science for example. Einstein...
  3. D

    The Golden Rule versus the Platinum Rule

    Yes, but you left out the possibility of doing something other people won't like (not by necessity something bad). For example, wouldn't you expect other people to judge you by your actions, and probably give you their advice for something that they feel, is wrong. This is something we do all...
  4. D

    Slow neutron beam deflection by a magnetic field

    Is there anything more particular that I can read, that fully describes that phenomenon?
  5. D

    Conditions for thermal neutron induced fission

    No, actually. I want to know just about the thermal neutrons and the conditions that a nucleus must follow, in order to fission by it.
  6. D

    Slow neutron beam deflection by a magnetic field

    Is it possible for a beam of slow neutrons, to be deflected by a strong magnetic field? I have found something for a beta asymmetry in Wu experiments, but haven't understood much. Is it a particle physics subject?
  7. D

    Conditions for thermal neutron induced fission

    Does anyone know what the necessary conditions are for a nucleus to undergo fission with a thermal neutron? I have found something for the chain reactions, but not very helpful. I want to find out the conditions for ONE nucleus to undergo fission with a thermal neutron.
  8. D

    Is evil primarily a product of mankind or nature?

    So what should the judge say, I wonder. The same thing goes for killing someone. If you are from US, I believe that no DA would procesute someone that killed someone else in selfdefense. I am from Greece and there nothing like this in here. Recently we had a case that was shown on TV, where a...
  9. D

    Is evil primarily a product of mankind or nature?

    I think that "evil" is just a human term that we put to things that oppose our morality and definition of "good". As always, in nature there must be balance, and all systems tend to end in a state of balance. The same thing goes for "right" and "wrong", "black" and "white" and all opposing...
  10. D

    WiFi radiation? Is it dangerous for health?

    All EM emmiting devices have at their specifications a SAR number (this stands for Special Absorbsion Rate = the Rate that unit mass absorbs radiation). There are standards that make manufacturers design their products at specific and especially low SARs. SARs are different depending the age, so...
  11. D

    Which Laptop is Better for University: Latitude D630 or MacBook Pro 15?

    What do you want it for? If you are an occasional gamer I'd suggest the Apple (now that it runs Windows, no doubt). But if you want it just for papers and internet browsing, no need to take it. Take the Dell. I would definitely however, choose the Mac.
  12. D

    Parallel Computing Operating Systems for the PC

    I don't actually think that it is importand for an OS to take advantage of a multiple core processor. The important thing is for the applications to use the multiple cores for the various processes. Suppose that you have just an OS with no other programms installed. What good is there to use 2...
  13. D

    Troubleshooting Internet Problems: Can't Find Server

    I am having a similar problem, but instead of different OSs, there is in different applications: p2p, torrents vs firefox (Windows XP). While allready working in Firefox and downloading at the same time, the same message popups when I hit a webpage - just out of nowhere! I am still working on...
  14. D

    Office '03 vs '07: Which is Better for an Undergrad?

    I would also recommend the '07 version. As far as compatibility goes, if you have a '03 .doc file and open it in the '07, you'll see on the title bar "Compatibility Mode" or something like that (I have the greek version and don't know if this will be shown in other languages). You can open '03...
  15. D

    What Determines the Upper Energy Limit of Gamma Rays?

    Hello you guys. I was wondering about the energy limits of the gamma rays. I allready know that the gamma ray spectrum varies from some MeV to 50 MeV (approximately). Does anyone know how can these limits be justified?