Recent content by dschou

  1. D

    The answer to the Does God exist question from Human Practice

    fine. to avoid clouding the real issue, i shall henceforth use the term "fundamental assumption from which one's worldview progresses" yet you must live your life. each day you are faced with decisions, and ultimately, those decisions are made (even if they are not made, a decision not to make...
  2. D

    News Will Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore be removed from the bench?

    sick. what twisted minds, so very far from the truth. i think i feel more pity than scorn. you know not what you say.
  3. D

    What are the Essential Characteristics of Christianity?

    it is somewhat mind-numbing to repeat oneself ad infitum but it has become necessitated by the stubborn refusal to fully understand what it is that has already been written. regarding this 'atheism' or 'non-religious' society of which FZ+ speaks so highly there is this to say (once again)...
  4. D

    The answer to the Does God exist question from Human Practice

    the examples are flawed. firstly, 1+1 = 2 is not an axiom. the axiom employed is more general and is related to the closure of integers under addition as well as the definition of the number system. secondly, that the rationality of the square root of two is not an axiom depends not at all on...
  5. D

    News Is Abortion Justifiable Across Various Circumstances?

    again, your honor, relevance? i quote once more: "Where is the morality in bringing an unwanted child into the world? It's like a toss-up between quick or slow death." the issue is the cancer patient's life and quick/slow death juxtaposed against the child's life and quick/slow death, not...
  6. D

    News Is Abortion Justifiable Across Various Circumstances?

    i can't say that this is an imaginative solution to the problem. your modus operandus: when faced with a moral dilemna, simply state that morals do not exist and continue the killing. likewise, as i plummet to my death, i can simply follow suit with wile-coyote and deny that gravity exists...
  7. D

    What are the Essential Characteristics of Christianity?

    beautfully put FZ+. i couldn't agree with you more. and thus, when hseudens makes grand claims of transcending religion he only needs to look back some 60 years to see how well he is fooling himself. besides, the implication is that religion has brought misery to no one. nay, the sole...
  8. D

    The answer to the Does God exist question from Human Practice

    firstly, attributing to God a nature assumes his existence. secondly, since the existence of God is assumptive, as you have stated explicitly, and since one's worldview is entirely shaped by acceptance/rejection of this assumption, it is axiomatic. finally, as the existence of God as yet...
  9. D

    News Is Abortion Justifiable Across Various Circumstances?

    following this reasoning we should chop up all the cancer patients as well.
  10. D

    The answer to the Does God exist question from Human Practice

    Allow me to reiterate the words of our esteemed colleague m. Royce: "Objective reality is an assumption. You said this yourself, heusden." this is correct in a magnitude as yet unparallelled in this discussion. i too believe that i exist OBJECTIVELY and INDEPENDANT of other's thoughts. but...
  11. D

    The answer to the Does God exist question from Human Practice

    no. that is quite wrong. i have not missed the thrust of your argument. i have dealt with it head on by stating that there is some truth regarding God's existence and that regardless of the (in)consistencies of one's worldview, he either exists or doesn't, but not both. he cannot be relegated to...
  12. D

    The answer to the Does God exist question from Human Practice

    the word is independent. note the 't'. our assumption implies me and i have assumed no such thing. on the contrary, as has already been explicitly stated, i contend that awareness of the world through sensation is purely subjective and further, that there is no methodology which can elevate...
  13. D

    The answer to the Does God exist question from Human Practice

    this is obviously inconsistent with the argument proposed in a previous correspondance, as i have acknowledged the fallacy of that reasoning in my most recent posting (see above) " got it. And hence the existence of you is an axiom as it is an undisputed assumption, while God, being a...
  14. D

    The answer to the Does God exist question from Human Practice

    ---------------------------------------------- quote: "You got it. And hence the existence of you is an axiom as it is an undisputed assumption, while God, being a disputed assumption can not be considered proven or absolutely existent - except with the belief system of the believer. QED."...
  15. D

    Homosexual Marriage: Is Society Ready for Legitimacy?

    quote: "We are evolving as a society. We are more and more open minded about new ideals every day that previous generations wouldn't have even considered...Progress is inevitable my friend, and there's nothing any of us can do to stop it." not so fast. homosexuality has been accepted...