Recent content by dsadsa

  1. D

    My attempt at shortest definition of the term 'life'

    We can easily build a machine that manipulates itself and there are countless examples of this already. In fact, based on my vague recollection of the definition of life used in biology, I'd reckon we could construct a machine that satisfies all those criteria as well and it wouldn't even be...
  2. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    It appears you're right - it seems that the majority of genes that affect intelligence work in combination making the choice of which genes to select less than trivial. Still, the problem is reduced to collecting data and statistical analysis.
  3. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    I've suggested nothing of the sort. I'm not interested in taking any freedom's away from people. Selective breeding isn't that effective anyway. The definition was not meant to be a perfect one, it was only meant to demonstrate that we could come up with one. If you think some trait (like...
  4. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    For our purposes, let's define define intelligence to be proficiency in academic research or the ability to score high on an IQ test. I'm suggesting that we not concern ourselves with the function of genes that are correlated with high intelligence and simply produce a human possessing all of...
  5. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    When claiming something that's not purely speculation, one would usually produces some form of evidence or at least a better line of reasoning than what was given. I'm still convinced that it might be the case that we have all the technology necessary, or close to it and the only reason this...
  6. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    The statement 'no amount of nurturing can turn the average child into a brilliant one' can only be completely incorrect if genetics plays no role at all. Otherwise it depends on how lenient one is as to what they regard as brilliant, so there's really no sense in disagreeing with it until we've...
  7. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    Good, now read post #3.
  8. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    I already explained why I'm not interested in Head Start and it is really not relevant to this thread. The article I linked to in my first post is an example of how genetic engineering can do more than 'environmental engineering'. You can look into the procedure yourself.
  9. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    The procedure is mentioned in the third post of this thread. I don't really understand what there is to prove, its been shown that intelligence is strongly dictated by genetics and there have been genes correlated with high IQ scores and other indications of high intelligence. Its natural to...
  10. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    Can you state what it is you want proof of explicitly? There's more than one thing you could be referring to..
  11. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    You can ensure that a chimp has excellent brain development too, it still won't be able to learn anywhere near as well as the average human. Likewise no amount of nurturing will turn the average child into a brilliant one. Brain development is important and I think most parents do a decent...
  12. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    My concern is that there may be some simple things that can be done that are not because of moral reasoning that I do not agree with. Can't the issue you've mentioned be remedied by performing less manipulation to reduce the risk, and isn't it unlikely to begin with?
  13. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    What I actually had in mind was that rather than doing something risky like introducing new genes into the human genome we could simply see what alleles are correlated with high intelligence (high IQ test scorers, top researchers in academia, etc.) and then engineer a human who has the optimal...
  14. D

    Genetic Engineering Intelligence

    I came across this article a while ago which essentially says that a decade ago researchers in Princeton genetically engineered mice to be smarter (demonstrated by their ability to solve mazes faster and remember objects better)...