Recent content by Dryson

  1. D

    Rapid Expansion of the Universe

    If something is expanding does it not occupy a larger area of space? If it is the something of the Universe that expands like a balloon expands then the Universe would expand outwards as an expanding force that will create an equal and opposite reaction against other something's in the...
  2. D

    Rapid Expansion of the Universe

    I have a "What If." question. Suppose a black hole located in a universe encounters a rapid expansion of another universe with the universe that is in close approximation to the black hole. Would the rapidly expanding universe destroy the black hole or would the expanding universe actually...
  3. D

    Calculating Chest Breach Energy: 9x19mm vs Knife | Jodi Arias Case Analysis

    The question I have is this. If a 9x19mm parabellum pistol round is able to breach the sternum of the chest at 561 joules of energy how many joules would it take to breach the sternum of the chest using a knife two inches wide by eight inches long? I am uncertain of the conversation process...
  4. D

    Exploring Possibility of Quantum Space-Time

    Is it possible that Quantum Space-time would exist?
  5. D

    Ping results I don't understand

    Have you tried using Wireshark to gather information about your computers data transmissions?
  6. D

    Expanding universe - some thoughts

    I would have to say that the light photon would remain at the constant of c because a body in motion within a gravitational field will remain in motion at the speed of light regardless of whether passing through a void or not. The real question is this: If a void between galaxies does not have...
  7. D

    Does Antimatter exist in the universe anymore?

    If space was a particle then it would have an energetic interaction value present that can be tested. Space is also the distance between each particle that increases and decreases over time based upon particle interaction. If space was expanding then it would have an energetic value. But since...
  8. D

    Does Antimatter exist in the universe anymore?

    I meant to write particles that interact with each other in an energetic manner.
  9. D

    Does Antimatter exist in the universe anymore?

    How can you expand space when only particles that are intractable with each other can expand? Is space a particle? all of space was contained in a single point - There had to have been some large explosion that created this single point in space otherwise we would be able to map the entirety...
  10. D

    Quantum Mechanics Prior To The Big Bang

    quantum gravity fails when the spacetime curvature is very high How does Quantum Gravity fail when spacetime curvature is very high? It sounds to me like a plane that is flying straight up and then stalls.
  11. D

    Radical new foundations for both quantum theory and space-time

    which are transmitted along causal links and conserved at each event Does this mean that energy traveling along the path of least resistance that arrives at the point of convergence is then conserved into a larger state of amassed properties such as planets and suns or a Big Bang?
  12. D

    Quantum Mechanics Prior To The Big Bang

    Are we able to apply Quantum Mechanics to a Universe Prior to the Big Bang? Or would such mechanics require an entirely new set of formulas?
  13. D

    Will Peter Jackson Adapt Tolkien's Silmarillion for the Big Screen?

    Peter Jackson produced the LOTR and Hobbit movies in the same manner that Tolkien wrote them years ago. What is history if not stories to be developed? There are hundreds of stories that could be developed from the Silmarillion. If PJ did do the Simarillion it would be just as good as the LOTR...
  14. D

    Why do lots of people think that people choose to be gay?

    I think people tend to choose to be LGBT because of the pressure put on them by religion to have more and more and more children that the person really doesn't want to have to begin with. The person then becomes LGBT to get back at the religion hoping that the thought of the nastiness of someone...