Recent content by DrWatson

  1. D

    Free Will and Omnipotence: Can They Coexist?

    If there is an omnipotent god, how can we have free will? An omnipotent being would know the future, therefore the future would be set down, and we could not make decisions for ourselves.
  2. D

    Dr. Who is a really entertaining show

    I liked the ones with Christopher Eccleston the best. He acted really great, with a lot of depth. David Tennant is a bit shallow compared to him, but he's still a good actor (he mumbles a bit when he talks though). :smile:
  3. D

    What is the concept of spooky action at a distance?

    "Spooky Action At A Distance" How does quantum entaglement work? Could someone please give me a simple explanation for "spooky action at a distance"?:confused:
  4. D

    Is a condition of no freedom a possibility ?

    No Freedom The one way I can think of causing people to have no freedom would be knowing the future of these people. You would know exactly what they are going to do, and they would, of course, do whatever you know they are going to do. This is the problem with the idea of an omnipotent God -...