Recent content by DrEadgbe

  1. D

    A Suggested reading for quantum information applications in QFT

    What would you say is essential reading for those of us who want to understand how exactly is QFT benefiting from QI? Can anyone give a summary of what is happening, and where to start reading? (at postgraduate/entry-research-level).
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    I Evaluation of SMASH - most minimal extension of SM

    SMASH..."yet another hypothesis".. :D The authors successfuly graped the media attention, that is all. Good for them.
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    A Physical Motivation for Supersymmetry

    Well, if you work on supersymmetry you realize that most of what is said about it recently is not accurate. Saying that the LHC ruled out low-scale SUSY is definitely not true. If you read CERN's motivationl document for a 50 TeV FCC (or for a 100 TeV collider) you will find SUSY mentioned...