Recent content by dramtulla

  1. D

    Does Relativity Theory Explain Why Racing Drivers Age Slower?

    ok so, the astronauts who have stayed in the ISS the longest have experienced the longest time dilation ever experienced by humans?
  2. D

    Does Relativity Theory Explain Why Racing Drivers Age Slower?

    CompuChip thank you - very informative, i think i found a home! :) nitsuj u funny guy :D
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    Does Relativity Theory Explain Why Racing Drivers Age Slower?

    Hi, and thanks for making such a great forum! My question is as the title proposes. Would Einstein's Theory of Relativity - Time Dilation, mean that racing drivers age (all be it, small) slower than say a usually stationary human? (couch potato ;)) Thank you in advanced. Which leads me...