Recent content by Dracovich

  1. D

    Exponential operator multiplication

    I would if i had much to show :) I'm afraid I'm fairly clueless, like i mentioned i had only gotten so far as writing the exponential operator out in a power series, and also writing out explicitly the a operators multiplying with a single J operator in hopes that it would give me some insight...
  2. D

    Exponential operator multiplication

    Yes, didn't mention it since i figured i'd try to just get a boost here and finish on my own, but the actual thing looks like this: e^{-i\theta \hat{J}^{\dagger}}\big(\frac{\hat{a_{0}}}{\hat{a_{1}]} \big) e^{i\theta \hat{J}} I can't find the command for vector notation so i had to use \frac...
  3. D

    Exponential operator multiplication

    Thanks, i had kind of gotten that far (as noted in 3, perhaps it's not called power series, sorry about that). Guess i got it right but I'm just not good enough to go from there lol, well at least i know that's definitely what i should be working with, cheers!
  4. D

    Exponential operator multiplication

    1. I have a fairly straight forward problem (or basically, i need help to just get started on my problem), i have forgotten all my QM and am in a "bit" over my head here. Basically i am having problems remembering how one would go about treating operators that are inside exponentials. 2...
  5. D

    UCI or UCLA for Physics: Which is the Better Choice for a Transfer Student?

    I'm at UCI right now, only as a foreign exchange student for one year. Since i don't really know a whole lot about other schools, especially American ones, i can't really say a whole lot about it, but I've been happy here. There's a lot of research going on and the professors seem very helpful...
  6. D

    Why are tuition fees so high in the US and UK compared to other countries?

    US schools are expensive because they are private run for the most part. The only reason schools are "free" is because they have ridiculous taxes and tolls on various things. I go to school in Denmark, school is free there, and every student (not living at home) gets about 700$ a month as a...
  7. D

    Ionization cross-section energy dependency?

    Ahh ok that makes sense, you wouldn't happen to have a link to any specific articles discussing this in more detail would you?
  8. D

    Ionization cross-section energy dependency?

    Alright, so I'm looking into electron-impact ionization of Argon, and subsequently the collision ionization cross-section. While i have found articles that experimentally find these cross sections at different energies (energies of the electrons that is), such as here...
  9. D

    Engineering Explain LC Resonance in a Circuit

    Hey guys, I'm doing a lab report on an LC resonant circuit, and it's I've kinda hit a speedbump in trying to explain why exactly the resonance is happening. I don't know if "LC resonant circuit" is a normal thing to call it so i'll explain a bit. You have V_in which goes into a resistor, then...
  10. D

    Videogame Programmer: Average Day & Degree Requirements

    I don't know a whole lot about programming, but i worked for a gaming company for a couple of years as a game tester and there seemed to be a very broad spectrum of degrees. One of the main programmers has a doctorate in physics, did it in chaos or mathmatical physics i believe.
  11. D

    Schooling systems throughout the world.

    Well i went through school in Iceland, although I'm in university in denmark, the system here is very similar (as it is all over scandinavia). Basicly there is one big school from 6-16 (10 grades). Some schools only have 1-7, and then they kids move to a school that has 7-10 grades (although...
  12. D

    Courses What do you consider the hardest undergrad physics courses?

    I'm glad to hear that someone else had problems with Analytical mechanics, I'm doing that now and I'm having a hell of a time understanding the derivations of most of the stuff, which sucks since i'll have an oral exam which means plenty of derivations.
  13. D

    Did your parents influence your education

    Nope never did one way or another. Although mom did always say that i had the mind of an engineer (i think she meant i was very regulated and not creative lol). They never discouraged me either though and were very happy with my choice, it was kind of a last minute thing i decided my last year...
  14. D

    Schools Do you guys work while attending University?

    I think it can definitely be done. Personally i'd love ot have more money but i get by ok on the government money i (and evreyone else for that matter) get. Personally I've kinda decided not to work unless i find something that really fits with my situation, since I'm at school from 8/9AM until...
  15. D

    Help! How to Study for 2nd Year Physics Class

    Study groups are great, for me the greatest value of them was getting rid of the "I'm the only one who doesn't get this" feeling. During lectures everyone seems to nod and take notes as if they understand it all, it was very refreshing i remember to talk to my friends and hearing they had the...