Recent content by Dr. Octavious

  1. Dr. Octavious

    A Minimum Current for Fusion/Plasma

    Yes I know that. And I am aware of other limitations as well. The only thing I don't understand is the current-plasma heating concept. The plasma works as a one-turn secondary winding for the transformer. So it is subjected to whatever current is coming from the system. But how is it actually...
  2. Dr. Octavious

    A Minimum Current for Fusion/Plasma

    Ok can you explain to me how when trying to achieve fusion, the Ohmic input heating via induced current by a transformer it is said to raise the plasma to temperatures of 4-5 keV?
  3. Dr. Octavious

    A Minimum Current for Fusion/Plasma

    I mean how are current and temperature related? I know the concepts of reaction rate, Lawson's criterion, instabilities etc. Let's say, theoretically, that I need 20 kA plasma current. How do I find to what temperature this current corresponds? Perhaps convert both quantities to energy as in...
  4. Dr. Octavious

    A Minimum Current for Fusion/Plasma

    Hello all, Say we ignore plasma instabilities and Lawson's criterion, what is the minimum current required (or how do I calculate it) to create fusion/plasma? For a deuterium-deuterium reaction, the potential barrier to overcome is 7.6*10^(-14) Joules and temperature T=3.6*10^9 K.
  5. Dr. Octavious

    Understanding Plasma Beta and its Impact on Tokamak Design

    I see what you mean. You are absolutely right. I am picking my numbers. I will revise my research. Thank you for pointing out my wrong thought process!
  6. Dr. Octavious

    Understanding Plasma Beta and its Impact on Tokamak Design

    Yes, that's why I believe you have to find the optimum solution for achieving as high beta as possible and to also take care of the many instabilities. Maybe the ITER numbers are in some way the optimum for that design (as well as for fusion power production and for minimizing cost)
  7. Dr. Octavious

    Understanding Plasma Beta and its Impact on Tokamak Design

    Yes this is my understanding as well. I mean I tried the equations I found with the ITER parameters and they work fine. Only when I get to small numbers such as my design, the equations don't work. That's why I believe that there is more into the beta at such big designs than meet the eye.
  8. Dr. Octavious

    Understanding Plasma Beta and its Impact on Tokamak Design

    Yes all the units are fine (it was a painful process to check all my equations). Well here is my thought process. The ITER has an ion and electron combined temperature of 16.8 keV. At this temperature the pressure is 269108 Pa. Now I know there are limitations regarding the achievable beta but...
  9. Dr. Octavious

    Understanding Plasma Beta and its Impact on Tokamak Design

    I understand but let me give you an example just so you can see what i mean and so that you can correct me if I am wrong. Assume I have a small tokamak device say with a major radius of 6cm and a minor radius 2cm. Let's say that I am using a 1mm wire for my toroidal confinement coils with a...
  10. Dr. Octavious

    Understanding Plasma Beta and its Impact on Tokamak Design

    No not really. I just checked the equation for the ITER reactor and it works for its number. I get the same numbers as obtained experimentally. I just have it stuck in my brain that a beta close to one with as high magnetic field as possible is what reactors are trying to achieve. Again maybe I...
  11. Dr. Octavious

    Understanding Plasma Beta and its Impact on Tokamak Design

    I am assuming quazi-neutral plasma such that ne=ni=n=10^20 (m^-3). Maybe i have my units wrong for the temperature. I've just encountered an example in which they use the temperature in eV units. And just to clarify in the pressure formula above the second term is (ne*kB*Te).
  12. Dr. Octavious

    Understanding Plasma Beta and its Impact on Tokamak Design

    Hello all, I am trying to calculate the plasma beta in a specific plasma temperature. for the plasma pressure i am using the formula p=(ni*kB*Ti)+(ne*kB*ne) and for the beta i am using β=(2*μ0*p)/B^2. I plotted an excel sheet for different values of the magnetic field and realized that the...
  13. Dr. Octavious

    I Electron number density in fusion plasma

    Yes I understand. I know the Greenwald limit as a stability boundary and I thought of using this for my calculations. It is hard for an amateur to account for all the possible problems in a tokamak but at least it is fun learning new stuff. I've dealt with many of them in my research but they...
  14. Dr. Octavious

    I Electron number density in fusion plasma

    Well, in thermonuclear fusion the plasma is fully ionized. I know in the ITER reactor they have an average electron density of 10^20 m-3. Is the Saha equation able to give me a fair approximation?
  15. Dr. Octavious

    I Electron number density in fusion plasma

    Hello everybody, Is there a way to calculate/predict the electron number density of a plasma? Thanks in advance