Recent content by Dr.ahmad adnan

  1. Dr.ahmad adnan

    What happens if we launched a shot from a pistol in space?

    Hi, What happens if we launched a shot from a pistol in space...
  2. Dr.ahmad adnan

    What Would Happen if I Threw My Watch into a Black Hole?

    visit this website,and i think you will find the are my best friend and i all ways find the answer for you...
  3. Dr.ahmad adnan

    What Happens if a Black Hole Dies or Disappears?

    Hi friend i saw the answer for your question ,.... visit this [like] if you like the website...
  4. Dr.ahmad adnan

    Hi , I want to know if the heart contains the nerve cell?

    Hi , I want to know if the heart contains the nerve cell?
  5. Dr.ahmad adnan

    Which Causes More Eye Damage: Acid or Base?

    i think most of the bases and acids have damage to the eye... i don't say all bases and acids i saied most of...
  6. Dr.ahmad adnan

    What is the current understanding of a cure for AIDS?

    Is there a cure for AIDS?
  7. Dr.ahmad adnan

    Which is the most powerful black hole or a worm hole and why

    Which is the most powerful black hole or a worm hole and why, also what is the difference between them?
  8. Dr.ahmad adnan

    What will happen if our sun color blue?

    i don't know, i just want your opinions??
  9. Dr.ahmad adnan

    From what dark matter in space consist of?

    thanks for the answer,i appreciate this
  10. Dr.ahmad adnan

    What will happen if our sun color blue?

    What will happen if our sun color blue?
  11. Dr.ahmad adnan

    Which stage of the sun consists neutron star/stars

    which stage of the sun consists neutron star?