Recent content by Double E

  1. D

    Does the Many Worlds Interpretation Affect the Original Universe?

    According to the Many Worlds Interpretation the universe supposedly splits off into two realities when a quantum event has more than one possible outcome(Schrodinger's cat for example). One in which Schrodinger will find his cat dead, and another in which his cat lives. But what happens for the...
  2. D

    Are Singularities One-Sided in Terms of Time?

    Thanks for the comments. I agree with you Chronos in that the BB singularity is probably different from today's typical black hole singularities. It just seems to me that we know too little about singularities. All we can really do is calculate a handful of their properties like their mass...
  3. D

    Are Singularities One-Sided in Terms of Time?

    Singularities are places where time ends for anything in them. In other words, if Bob falls into a black hole at 2:00, time will end for the matter in his body and he won't exist time-wise past 2:00. But according to the Big Bang theory, the universe began in the form of a singularity. Obviously...