Recent content by donkeycopter

  1. D

    Experimental data on the extraction of radium/polonium?

    I'm having difficulty finding some secondary data on the extraction of radium or polonium. Nothing specific, really just any practical data available on the topic - I'm getting desperate! Historical data would be preferable, however modern data would still be great. By 'data' I just been any...
  2. D

    How to calculate dampening coefficient?

    Homework Statement A 100g mass moves on the end of a spring with force constant . It is released with an amplitude 0.2m. A damping force acts on the egg. After it oscillates for 5.00 s, the amplitude of the motion has decreased by 0.1m.Calculate the magnitude of the damping coefficient ...
  3. D

    Shadow of vertical circle on wall?

    I think it's very similar to", only instead of 'looking at a thumbtack from the side' it's a shadow - basically the same thing.
  4. D

    Shadow of vertical circle on wall?

    A ball is spun in a vertical circle on a string. A light is shining from the side of the circle so that a shadow of the balls motion is shown on a wall behind it. The shadow is simply a circle moving up and down in a straight line (I can't attach the image). The amplitude of the shadow is 0.5m...
  5. D

    The shadows of a merry go round (SHM)?

    The sun is setting and shines light in such a way that it is directly behind a merry go round, so its shadow is projected onto a wall behind it. The merry-go-round is one where the horses move up and down vertically as they move around the circle. The amplitude of this is 0.5m, and the period of...
  6. D

    Effect of TIME on SPECIFIC HEAT?

    What graphs should I draw? We did an experiment using a calorimeter in class, where we dropped a hot piece of metal into water in the calorimeter. We measured initial temp of metal + water, and the final equilibrium temperature. This allowed us to calculated the specific heat of the unknown...
  7. D

    Effect of TIME on SPECIFIC HEAT?

    We did an experiment using a calorimeter in class, where we dropped a hot piece of metal into water in the calorimeter. We measured initial temp of metal + water, and the final equilibrium temperature. This allowed us to calculated the specific heat of the unknown metal (we also had the mass...
  8. D

    Why is specific heat capacity less?

    But that's not the point. The textbooks says the specific heat capacity will be LESS, because heat is lost through the calorimeter, but I don't understand WHY.
  9. D

    Why is specific heat capacity less?

    Oh, it's an old manual calorimeter in which you just stick a thermometer in the whole in the lid.
  10. D

    Why is specific heat capacity less?

    Hi, I just did a specific heat capacity test using a calorimeter, and the specific heat capacity I found (using heat gained = heat lost) is less than the real value. The problem is, I expected it to be more. I mean heat will be lost through the calorimeter, meaning that a greater amount of...
  11. D

    Was Galileo, Kepler, or Newton more important?

    Hi, I have to pick one of these great scientists to write a middterm item on, so basically I'm curious about what you personally think would be the easiest answer to argue to this question: Which out of Galileo, Kepler or Newton was of the greatest significance in changing the scientific...
  12. D

    The Science of Sound: How Does It Travel from Source to Our Ears?

    I'm sorry, I don't understand your reasoning? I'm not asking for an answer, I'm asking for an explanation of a concept. I have written all that I know 'through compressions and rarefactions' and I was hoping that somebody could explain how this is put into practice for me. How can I write an...
  13. D

    Why do different pipes/strings make different sounds?

    Actually, it isn't a homework question, it would be a pretty horribly worded question if it was! :) I'm just trying to get a better understanding of the concept. Thanks for the response, but I don't see how it answers my question?
  14. D

    The Science of Sound: How Does It Travel from Source to Our Ears?

    as I initially said, this is not a homework question. I can do all of the questions in class/homework questions, I just like to have a bit more conceptual understanding, hence I'm asking for an explanation of the concept here. I just asked for 3-4 sentences in the hope that you would give a more...