Recent content by domabo

  1. D

    What is the sum of existing partial products in Booth's Algorithm?

    Thanks all for the responses. I think everything is clear and makes sense now. One final question: Out of curiosity, can anyone elaborate a little more on the mechanical process outlined by Booth? I don't, for example, know what he's saying when he talks about the short cutting method or what...
  2. D

    What is the sum of existing partial products in Booth's Algorithm?

    So why is it that if I'm adding up a sum of anything, I need to start at zero exactly? You've said that this must be the case but not why. Thanks for your patience.
  3. D

    What is the sum of existing partial products in Booth's Algorithm?

    How did you come to that conclusion? You seem to be right as it agrees with other things I've read on this algo, but I don't see where it says to take the sum of existing partial products as zero. Thanks for the reply.
  4. D

    What is the sum of existing partial products in Booth's Algorithm?

    Trying to understand Booth's Algorithm. There's some YouTube videos online but I decided I'd try by reading Booth's original paper Can anyone explain what is meant by "sum of existing partial products"? (Page 3...
  5. D

    Calculus II: Convergence of Series with Positive Terms

    I did include it under specifics pertaining to the problem
  6. D

    Calculus II: Convergence of Series with Positive Terms

    Homework Statement The problem (#58) and its solution are posted above. Homework Equations I understand that I can approach this two different ways. The first way being the way shown in the solution, and the second way, which my professor suggested, being a Direct...
  7. D

    How Can You Solve Reaction Forces in Bearings Using Basic Calculations?

    Wow... thanks. Would you say that this is the best way to solve this system of equations? Eventually, I'll be of course asked to do these types of problems in an exam setting where I'll only be able to use a simple scientific calculator.
  8. D

    How Can You Solve Reaction Forces in Bearings Using Basic Calculations?

    It's attached as the second image Or, here:
  9. D

    How Can You Solve Reaction Forces in Bearings Using Basic Calculations? Do you mind pointing out the mistake here? As you can see, I'm not getting the same answer as the solution has given. I should add that I've listed the variables in the alphabetical order they appear. That is, Ax = x1, Az = x2, By=x3, Bz=x4, Cx=x5, and Cy=x6.
  10. D

    How Can You Solve Reaction Forces in Bearings Using Basic Calculations?

    Tried it using Gaussian eliminator calculator. Didn’t get the same answer.
  11. D

    How Can You Solve Reaction Forces in Bearings Using Basic Calculations?

    Homework Statement The problem asks to find the reaction forces for each of the bearings. For such bearings, the reaction forces can be looked up in a textbook, but they just act perpendicular to the shaft. Homework Equations Sum of the forces and moments = 0. The Attempt at a Solution I...
  12. D

    Finding the Average Value of a Function

    Okay. Thank you. Those pi's on the outside of the integral would cancel one another out through subtraction right? Or should I first, before subtraction, divide, for both integrals, both sides by pi? Then, it seems my answer would be the integral of f(x) = 1 and so the average value would be 1/6.
  13. D

    Finding the Average Value of a Function

    Thanks for the heads up about formatting; I'll make sure to take a look at that. What I did was find the outer radius to be R(x) = f(x) - (-2) and the inner radius to be 0 - (-2), and then multiplied out and simplified. For washers, it's pi * integral of ( R(x)^2 - r(x)^2). How is my integral...