Recent content by dodelson

  1. D

    Extrinsic Curvature: Normal Vector & Sign Impact

    Actually, extrinsic curvature turns out to be pretty important in the Hamiltonian/ADM formulation of GR. The general idea is that we can foliate spacetime with spacelike hypersurfaces and specify initial data on one of them in the form of a spatial metric h. Einstein's equations then determine...
  2. D

    Traceless metric in string spectrum

    The graviton isn't the metric itself; its the deviation of the metric from the background Minkowski metric in linearized gravity, i.e. g_{\mu\nu}=\eta_{\mu\nu}+h_{\mu\nu}. We can always choose a gauge in which h_{\mu\nu} is traceless, the so-called transverse traceless gauge. Cheers, Matt
  3. D

    How Does a Cosmic Ray Measure Temperature Changes in the Sun?

    I think what they want is this: \frac{dT}{d\tau}=\frac{dT}{dx^\alpha}\frac{dx^\alpha}{d\tau}=\frac{dT}{dx^\alpha}u^\alpha=\partial_{\boldsymbol{u}}T=\langle \boldsymbol{d}T,\boldsymbol{u}\rangle The reason I love MTW is that you can never tell if a problem is infuriatingly easy or...
  4. D

    Higher Point CFT Correlation Functions

    That's what I suspected. Thanks!
  5. D

    Higher Point CFT Correlation Functions

    Hi, Does anyone know if there's a closed formula for the n-point function in a CFT? Up to anharmonic ratios, of course. Most books just have it up until n=4. Thanks, Matt
  6. D

    Topology on manifold and metric

    I don't think you're misusing words, it's just that the word topology is used for lots of different things. It seemed to me that the OP was asking about the point-set topology of the manifold. This means that we need to determine which subsets can be considered open. Since a manifold is locally...
  7. D

    Topology on manifold and metric

    The Riemannian (or semi-Riemannian) metric doesn't directly induce a topology on the manifold itself, because it's an inner product on each of the tangent spaces, i.e. a norm TpM cross TpM -> R. Having said that, there is a natural topology inherited from the metric geodesics on a Riemannian...
  8. D

    Understanding the Antisymmetry of the Maxwell Tensor

    We have F(a,b)+F(b,a)=F(a+b,a+b) by linearity, which equals (a+b) dot F(a+b) by definition. Since F(v) is orthogonal to v for all v because the acceleration is orthogonal to the velocity, this equals zero. So F(a,b)=-F(b,a). -Matt
  9. D

    Laps and Shift Function: Understanding the Role of t^a in Wald's GR Book (p.255)

    Hi, Another way of stating t^a\nabla_a t=1 is that the Lie derivative of t along t^a equals 1. So Wald is just saying that the vector field t^a is properly normalized so that the function t changes at a constant rate of 1 along its integral curves. This normalization would be impossible to...
  10. D

    Energy and Angular Momentum of a Relativistic String

    I'm actually fairly convinced that this is a typo in the book, so don't spend as much time on it as I did...
  11. D

    Energy and Angular Momentum of a Relativistic String

    The problem is 2.1.b in Becker, Becker, and Schwarz. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong... any help would be appreciated, I'm probably missing something dumb. Homework Statement For X^0=B\tau, X^1=B\cos \tau\cos\sigma, X^2=B\sin\tau\cos\sigma, X^i=0 for i>2, compute the energy and...