Recent content by DnA 9413

  1. DnA 9413

    Writing: Input Wanted How to model Eccentricity, Obliquity and Recession in Excel

    Hi Stefan, Thanks for the idea about the rogue planet. I did think about that, but I assume astronomers would see this planet long before it got close enough to affect Earth. Plus, it would then need to become part of the story, where the dark matter once identified, does not become a part of...
  2. DnA 9413

    Writing: Input Wanted How to model Eccentricity, Obliquity and Recession in Excel

    Hi Everyone, I'm writing a sci-fi book that looks at humanity's response to the end of life on Earth and their voyage to a new home. The first part of the book is how a large mass of dark matter in the relative vicinity of Earth (50 light years?) starts the process of extending the...