Recent content by dmac257

  1. dmac257

    Download Linux on Windows - Step-by-Step Solutions

    Very true. There are some differences between how the Python interpreter accesses the OS though. For example if you are writing a program to run on multiple machines you need to test for which OS is present and test for the terminal size differently for each OS or just make an assumed default...
  2. dmac257

    Can docking ships help regulate rotation in a spinning space habitat?

    So, if I understand it correctly, you are saying the solar panels would be on its own counter-rotating gantry with a motor supply torque between the station and the panels gantry system? dmac257
  3. dmac257

    Can docking ships help regulate rotation in a spinning space habitat?

    each time the cargo vessel docks to deliver building materials the materials will be off loaded from the center (docking hub) to a staging area. last thing before undocking the cargo will initiate a torque burn. agreed, during the delivery docking, the water will be moved from inner tank to...
  4. dmac257

    Can docking ships help regulate rotation in a spinning space habitat?

    How does the electricity of PV cells translate into speeding up the wheel? I agree that nothing need be corrected quickly. My concern is during the construction before completion of the design. What problems will I encounter? It might be possible to change the order of the build to put some...
  5. dmac257

    Can docking ships help regulate rotation in a spinning space habitat?

    Thanks for the links. As I said in the OP this research is for clarification about my understanding of the physics of what happens during the construction of the station. there would only be ONE ring and during the construction of the larger diameter ring mass will be moving from the center to...
  6. dmac257

    How Effective is Kinetic Bombardment Compared to Historical Explosions?

    Thank you for pointing out that bit of history. Wikipedia is addictive, took me almost an hour of reading before I replied but it was interesting reading. You are quite right that there are other ways than the ones I mentioned. But the point I was making was the target is important. dmac257
  7. dmac257

    Which is a stronger mechanical connection

    and how much tension between the caps (plural?) dmac257
  8. dmac257

    Optimizing Efficiency: Wind Turbine Blade and Hub Design Tips?

    you need to know a lot about the environment you are going to be tested on .. blade design for 4mph wind would be different that for 40mph. I re-read your OP and it sounds like you are only designing the blades that must be attached to the stock hub and you are not changing the actual generator...
  9. dmac257

    Designing a Spacecraft any tips?

    Full scale you say? Do you have a LOT of money for materials and to hire peeps to help build it? Agree with Noisy, baby steps, horse before the cart. dmac257
  10. dmac257

    Could robots make themselves as well as run the workforce?

    The way I look at it ... a robotic assembly plant that manufactures thousands of IC chips .. is the first step a machine making parts for another machine. packaging , stacking , wrapping pallets, loading pallets into shipping containers, electronically arranging for the container to be picked up...
  11. dmac257

    How Effective is Kinetic Bombardment Compared to Historical Explosions?

    wouldn't the possibility of earthquakse or tsunamis be dependent on the LOCATION of your target? Hit a known fault line might trigger an earthquake. Hit the edge of a cliff and drop 400tons of rock into the ocean might trigger tsunami. Hit a fault line that drops the ocean floor a few feet...
  12. dmac257

    Can docking ships help regulate rotation in a spinning space habitat?

    Your suggestion isn't a change in scenario. The station is almost entirely built and maintained by robots. Not much experimentation but everything is manufactured in space. Imagine a 3D printer in space, but instead of a flat build plate, the printer moves. Need a 15000liter water tank? It...
  13. dmac257

    Can docking ships help regulate rotation in a spinning space habitat?

    As I stated the initial spin probably will be lower, maybe 2 RPM, as full gravity will not be needed during construction. First ring will be for power distribution and storage of raw materials used in the next part of the construction. After around 1200 square meters of solar panels are...
  14. dmac257

    Can docking ships help regulate rotation in a spinning space habitat?

    I am writing a science fiction book and doing a little research about habitats in space to make sure my understanding of the physics is at least close to real. I envision construction mostly in space from materials delivered by returnable cargo vessels. (either shuttle-like or space-X style ...
  15. dmac257

    I Optimizing Lunar Power: North vs. South Poles for Mining and Moonbase Sites

    So how much energy would be produced by a panel from "a full earth" on a lunar night compared to "lunar daylight". As for the vertical mast wouldn't it be fairly easy to erect a mast at a high point near one of the poles to keep a panel in sunlight all the time? dmac257