Recent content by djulzz1982

  1. djulzz1982

    State Space Representation of a 1D Point Mass Floating in Space and Actuated by Two Lateral Thrusters

    I am not sure of my answer, that's why I posted it. You are welcome to ignore it. And by solved, I solved it (hint).
  2. djulzz1982

    State Space Representation of a 1D Point Mass Floating in Space and Actuated by Two Lateral Thrusters

    I posted the answer to the questions: 1) what is the state space formulation 2) is the system controllable all in the attached PDF. Regards
  3. djulzz1982

    State Space Representation of a 1D Point Mass Floating in Space and Actuated by Two Lateral Thrusters

    I wrote the potential solution to the problem, showing that with the given problem statement, LQR, PID, or any other control approach will not allow the system to be controlled. Please check out the attached PDF, and please provide feedback if you can.
  4. djulzz1982

    State Space Representation of a 1D Point Mass Floating in Space and Actuated by Two Lateral Thrusters

    $$\underline{x} =\begin{bmatrix} \dot{x_{1}} \\ \dot{x_{2}} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix} $$
  5. djulzz1982

    Modelling Guy Needing Refresher

    Thank you. I'm in the process of converting my post according to your recommendation hinting to use Latex.
  6. djulzz1982

    State Space Representation of a 1D Point Mass Floating in Space and Actuated by Two Lateral Thrusters

    (u1*T1) + (u2*T2) = m (x dot dot), [1.1] where (x dot dot) is the 2nd derivative of the point-mass position with respect to time, u1 is the control input for the 1st thruster, u2 is the control input for the second thruster. Rearranging equation 1.1 yields (x dot dot) = (T1/m)*u1+...
  7. djulzz1982

    Modelling Guy Needing Refresher

    Hi everybody. I like to model dynamical systems, but over the last few years, I've been busy implementing simulations, without actually deriving their equations of motions. I'm thus here to check with members whether some systems for which I wrote the equations of motions are actually corrects.