Recent content by djelovin

  1. D

    A Symmetrisation of wave function for fermions

    Thanx for quick replay, That somewhat clarifies my problem. However I have particles in continuum, in the presence of some potential, that are described by Coulomb (Coulomb-like to be more precise) wave function that does depend on both, wave vector and position at the same time...
  2. D

    A Symmetrisation of wave function for fermions

    The wave function for fermions has to be anti-symmetric with respect to exchange of positions of electrons, but what if it depends on wave vector as well. Does they have to be exchanged as well, in other words, for two-electron system what is correct Ψ(r1,k1,r2,k2) = - Ψ(r2,k1,r1,k2) or...
  3. D

    Mathematica Differentiating vector function [Mathematica]

    How come that there is no gamma dependence in you derivation?
  4. D

    LaTeX Please help Alignment of very very long equations in latex

    You should use "eqnarray" instead of "equation". Eg. \begin{eqnarray} blah blah blah 1 \nonumber\\ blah blah blah 2 \nonumber\\ ... blah blah blah end \end{eqnarray}
  5. D

    LaTeX Wasysym Electrical Symbols in Latex

    As it's written in book that you referred to, you have to install (if you don't have already) wasysym package and include at start of your document (\usepackage{wasysym}).
  6. D

    LaTeX What is Your Favorite Latex Editor and Why?

    For windows TeXnicCenter absolutely the best!
  7. D

    Photoionitation of H2: Exploring Multiple Thresholds

    In fact I was referring to doubly excited resonant states!
  8. D

    Photoionitation of H2: Exploring Multiple Thresholds

    How come that in photoionitation of H2 molecule we have multiple (>2) ionization thresholds? Is there any good literature on this matter?
  9. D

    Mathematica Troubleshooting Mathematica Eigen Problem: Analytical vs. Numerical Results"

    You should avoid to letting Mathematica works with lots of symbols. Just absorb exponential factor in constant b and redefine it later. Clear[a,b,w,g,t] ρt={{a,b},{b*,1-a}}; {e1,e2}=Eigenvalues[ρt]; {v1,v2}=Eigenvectors[ρt]; Here you return exponential factor since it is conugated...
  10. D

    Mathematica Mathematica: Need help to modify the code

    You have to generate factors in reverse order. Just change arguments in Table command: term[n_Integer,m_Integer]:=Apply[Dot,Table[matg[[i]],{i,n,m+1,-1}]].hl[[m]]/;(n>=m); Subscript[lay,s_]:=Sum[term[s,i],{i,s}];
  11. D

    Mathematica Plot 2d image from 3D data Mathematica

    Just remove ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", e.g. ArrayPlot[z]
  12. D

    Mathematica Plot 2d image from 3D data Mathematica

    Remove that "Table" from import, use something like this: plotdata = Import["test2 10 10.csv"] z = GatherBy[plotdata, First][[All, All, 3]] ArrayPlot[z, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]
  13. D

    Integrating 2nd order ODE using midpoint rule

    Here you have it explained: page 292, "13.4 More on finite difference methods, Runge-Kutta methods"
  14. D

    Mathematica Mathematica Pattern matching and replace repeated

    Here is one version (without rules): larger[lst_] := Select[Transpose[{lst, Prepend[Most[lst], lst[[1]] - 1]}], #[[1]] > #[[2]] &][[All, 1]] e.g. larger[{3, 5, 2, 0, 6, 1, 8, 4, 9}] gives: {3, 5, 6, 8, 9}