Recent content by Dixanadu

  1. D

    I Is there a name for this fact in physics? is it a theorem?

    Hi guys, So just wondering - the fact that the force is always the negative derivative of potential with respect to distance: F=-\dfrac{\partial V}{\partial x} Where does this come from and does it have a name or something? like a theorem perhaps? Thanks!
  2. D

    Why does an alpha particle have 40mm range in air?

    Hey everyone... so I understand that an alpha particle, being a helium nucleus, is quite a large particle compared to, for example, a beta particle. Due to this, it will encounter a lot more collisions and impart its momentum to other particles of air at a much more rapid rate. Is there...
  3. D

    Question about camera lens taking a picture

    Okay, thank you I think I get it. Also, do the light rays bend due to refraction?
  4. D

    Question about camera lens taking a picture

    Hey guys, Can someone give a basic explanation of why a camera can take a picture even if half of its lens is covered up? Thanks guys...
  5. D

    Wire supplying current to a filament lamp doesnt get hot?

    Hi everyone, So one of my students has asked me a question which I'm not sure how to answer. The question is: Why does the wire that supplies current to the filament lamp in a light bulb not heat up, even though the filament itself does? Please let me know your thoughts! Thank you :)
  6. D

    What is the Hamiltonian density for a massive Dirac field?

    Hey guys, So here's the deal. Consider the Lagrangian \mathcal{L}=\bar{\psi}(i\gamma^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}-m)\psi where \bar{\psi}=\psi^{\dagger}\gamma^{0} . I need to find the Hamiltonian density from this, using \mathcal{H}=\pi_{i}(\partial_{0}\psi_{i})-\mathcal{L} So I get the following...
  7. D

    How to integrate this by parts?

    Hey guys, So here's the issue I'm faced with. I need to integrate the following by parts (twice): \int d^{3}y\, e^{ik(\hat{n}_{0}-\hat{n})\cdot\vec{y}}\left[ \nabla\times\nabla\times\hat{\epsilon}_{0} \right] And I have absolutely no clue how to approach this. The result I'm meant to reach is...
  8. D

    How to deal with this equation involving a plus/minus term

    Hey guys, So I'm reading a textbook which has the following equation: \dot{X}^{-}\pm X^{-\prime}=\dfrac{1}{4\alpha' p^{+}}\left( \dot{X}^{I}\pm X^{I\prime} \right)^{2}. Please note that the +,-,I are indices. Then the author says: \dot{X}^{-}= \dfrac{1}{4\alpha' p^{+}}\left(...
  9. D

    How to draw self-energy diagrams in phi^4 theory

    Okay guys so I the lagrangian \mathcal{L}=\dfrac{1}{2}\left( \partial_{\mu}\phi\partial^{\mu}\phi-m^{2}\phi^{2} \right)+\dfrac{\lambda}{4!}:\phi(x)^{4}: where \phi(x) is a real scalar field. I want to know how you can draw the self-energy diagrams at order \lambda and \lambda^{2} for a 2 => 2...
  10. D

    Gauge Invariance of Weak Gravity Approximation

    Hey guys, So I have a question about the gauge invariance of the weak field approximation. So if I write the approximation as \Box h^{\mu\nu} -\partial_{\alpha}(\partial^{\mu}h^{\nu\alpha}+\partial^{\nu}h^{\mu\alpha})+\partial^{\mu}\partial^{\nu}h=0 then this is invariant under the gauge...
  11. D

    Solving Lorentz Matrix Product Problem - Help Needed

    Yes doctor that solves my problem. The terms now cancel if I have a factor of 4 in front of one of them due to the trace of the delta tensor in spacetime. You saved the day once more doctor, you should consider becoming a superhero :D thank you!
  12. D

    Solving Lorentz Matrix Product Problem - Help Needed

    I think it's easier if I just tell you a few terms. So in each line there is an example of a product of terms:
  13. D

    Solving Lorentz Matrix Product Problem - Help Needed

    That's fine there is a typo...there is a cdot somewhere it shouldn't be in the first term. But mu isn't = nu and there is only one term where the two etas are being contracted. If that term goes to 0 I get