Recent content by DivergentSpectrum

  1. DivergentSpectrum

    Physics & Poetry: Is Dirac Right?

    i can't say too much about poetry, but science and music are very much related. (Especially because it makes it easier to understand music as frequencies) this is my personal work. Although this brings up the question- would people in dirac's days...
  2. DivergentSpectrum

    How to Draw a Circle Perpendicular to a Vector in 3D Space?

    the wolfram site says: but actually they made a mistake. here phi is the azimuth and theta is the zenith. someone should probably tell them :rolleyes:
  3. DivergentSpectrum

    Type of thinking that is conducive to learning mathematics

    Ive found the wonders of computer programming to be very helpful with understanding math concepts. ie: program an algorithm for numerical integration, diff eq solver, vector field visualizer etc. To me it really takes you past the esoteric symbols and let's you get a good idea of the numbers...
  4. DivergentSpectrum

    How to Draw a Circle Perpendicular to a Vector in 3D Space?

    double theta = Math.Atan2(curly[i, j, k], curlx[i, j, k]); double phi = Math.Acos(curlz[i, j, k] / Math.Sqrt(curlx[i, j, k] * curlx[i, j, k] + curly[i, j, k] * curly[i, j, k] + curlz[i, j, k] * curlz[i, j, k])); double costheta = Math.Cos(theta); double...
  5. DivergentSpectrum

    How to Draw a Circle Perpendicular to a Vector in 3D Space?

    i found this i don't know if i coded it wrong or what but its not working
  6. DivergentSpectrum

    News Why Was The Interview Christmas Release Cancelled?

    lol, 3g theyre still living in the stone age :P
  7. DivergentSpectrum

    Have You Experienced the Power of Lucid Dreams and Quantum Entanglement? i think if i had gotten into biology instead of physics this is what id be studying. its really pretty interesting.
  8. DivergentSpectrum

    How to Draw a Circle Perpendicular to a Vector in 3D Space?

    if a plane normal to a vector xn,yn,zn is given by then i think i could replace the parametric sphere coordinates with the coordinates to the plane and solve what i want out of this is the relation between u and v, but i can't figure out how to solve it then once i have u and v in terms of a...
  9. DivergentSpectrum

    Have You Experienced the Power of Lucid Dreams and Quantum Entanglement?

    well when i "left my body", i saw things laying around that were out of order/different in some way like a coke can was missing from my dresser etc. Usually when it happens to me its accompanied by sleep paralysis or a feeling of vibration in my spine or heart palpitations which seem to be a...
  10. DivergentSpectrum

    How to Draw a Circle Perpendicular to a Vector in 3D Space?

    i have a 3d vector, and i want to draw a circle with a specified radius around the vector (for computer programming) so i have the location of the center of the circle(first point of the vector) but i also want the circle to be at a right angle to the vector my approach: the equation of a...
  11. DivergentSpectrum

    Have You Experienced the Power of Lucid Dreams and Quantum Entanglement?

    Its probably not an unexplainable/spiritual phenomena. i tried astral projection in my lucid dreams a couple times (whenever i managed to think to do so lol), and i was wrong in what i saw. Still, its pretty fun XD. Ive noticed the best way to get it to happen is to take a nap after waking up in...
  12. DivergentSpectrum

    Narcisism- how often do you look at your own profile?

    I changed my avatar I realized the last one was just a little too gay for me ( and I am bi so yes, I find myself very sexy XD)
  13. DivergentSpectrum

    We dont know how a bicycle works Really?

    well, I am not sure how they did it, but in the article they mentioned a device that cancels out the gyroscopic effect, and the bike remained stable. So I am guessing there must be some kinda other force at work. In my experience riderless bikes don't go very far, but apparently there must be...
  14. DivergentSpectrum

    News Why Was The Interview Christmas Release Cancelled?

    wow it looked like it was going to be a good one too. north korea is such a nerd. Its like they desperately want us to respect them but we never will because they take themselves too seriously. I looked it up on youtube, it looks like theyre offering the movie for $5.99. I bet it will be pretty...
  15. DivergentSpectrum

    M.Sc. in Engineering Physics and garbage dumpster cleaner

    congratulations! Im still waiting for my big break.