Recent content by Distant Meteors

  1. D

    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    Hi Simon and Nugatory As promised (Simon) I've been trying to follow up the reasoning on this and I'll try and summarise the understanding I've ended up with: A magnet has a magnetic field (no great insight there) It exists because all the little magnets ("orbiting" electron clouds (sorry...
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    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    Hi Simon (again) As promised, and due in large part to your guidance and recommended reading etc, I have ordered some thoughts relating to my original question: 1) Magnetism is due to the action (and interaction) of electrons (as part of the ferrous metal) and the associated ElectroMagnetic...
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    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    I referenced 3 (or 4 or 5). 4 because I am a little confused by weak nuclear or is it weak EM 5 because there was some talk of a discovery/hypothesis of a 5th force recently. Gravity has infinite range (so they say) but I take your point about "local". My original question related to...
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    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    Hey Simon Appreciate your answers here. Really do. You gave me a lot of stuff to look at - not necessarily easy to digest - but I am working on it (as I said). So if you can be patient I will get back to you. I think I've asked my questions with the appropriate clarity but I will re-state: I...
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    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    Me neither Doc Just after a better understanding
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    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    Hi Vanadium 50 Grateful for your input here. I do realize it's a bit like a kid can keep asking "why ?". My questions now would be: 1) The Exchange Photons are "not real" - therefore they can't be detected ? You can't have that - if they are part of a mathematical theory then physics must...
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    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    Hi Simon Had a few goes at that article - it can mess with your mind (as in making it feel inadequate) but it's the ONLY thing I've seen that ever tries to explain how particle exchange forces (and there are no other forces) work. I can't say I totally buy it because if it were "proven" or...
  8. D

    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    Muchos appreciados Anorlunda and Simon Bridge - the article you identify certainly seems to address my question - the only place I have found it directly addressed. At gross risk of mind melt I am reading it. Once again, thanks a lot Robby
  9. D

    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    Hi DB - many thanks for your answer and your welcome. I got to say, it's difficult to accept your answer above although I do like it because it implies we could create force fields if we could figure out how to generate these "message photons". I think we need some theory that explains how a...
  10. D

    I How do Particle Exchange Forces Create Attractive Forces?

    So sorry to post what seems to be a well worn question. So the 4 forces of nature work by "particle exchange" ? Yes we understand the maths of "Fields" and we have the elegance of Maxwell and Newton/Einstein and these mathematical descriptions lead us to force exchange particles which can...