Recent content by dille71

  1. D

    Ways to generate clean electricity?

    The easiest, allmost clean fuel to use in cars would probably be ethanol. Allmost all petrol cars can use it with very small modification. But if you want stationary power generation there are other clean ways like sun power, wind power, water power or combinations of those.
  2. D

    Mumetal Permeability: Right or Wrong?

    Super conductors require very very low temperatures (close to 0 kelvin). Not so easy to work with...
  3. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    If the heat from the sun is removed then all water would freeze. Do you mean that it still is bouyant then ? And the atmosphere would dissappear too since the magnetic field that hold the atmosphere would dissappear, so no air to compress... But it doesn't matter. Gravity engines can't work.
  4. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    Great answer! It made my brain function normally again lol Of course the masses are the matter what medium they fall through... can't work. Period. End of discussion. I was into those gravity engines many years ago too and i came to a point where i realized they can...
  5. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    Why must it be perpetual motion just because gravity is used ? Look at ordinary water power plants. What do they use? Gravity that makes the water fall. Heat from the sun that moves the water back up. Look at my idea. Remove the heat from the sun and the water won't be bouyant any more...
  6. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    My calculations I will try to make some calculations from what i remember from the physics classes. Its been a long time since i studied so i really don't know if anything is right... To make it easy i use a weight (piston) with a density of 10. Piston volume = 1 cubic dm (1 liter) Piston...
  7. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    Thank you for a great reply. But imo "perpetual motion" is a bad word to use. One could say that water power is perpetual motion, but it require the heat from the sun to work. If the sun was removed the water would stop to circulate. Same goes for my idea exept that gravity is required. Remove...
  8. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    No comments? Is it a too foolish idea? Or is the picture difficult to understand?
  9. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    Here is a simple explanation of my idea... Comments...?
  10. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    To explain more in detail i will make a very simple drawing in ms paint and try post it here
  11. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    Yes, water should be allowed to flow into the open end. That wouldn't do any harm.. How do i calculate this? I had a formula a couple of years ago but its lost and i just can't find any on the net... I don't like the word "perpetual motion". I would rather call it "extracting unused energy"...
  12. D

    Air volume, compression and bouyancy

    Hi everybody! I'm new to this forum and i have a question i hope someone of u can answer... If i have a cylinder (made of plastic or some other light weight material) 1 meter long with an area of 1 dm2 that would be 10 liters right? Now, if i place the cylinder vertical and place a 8 kg...