Recent content by diffusion

  1. D

    What is the relationship between energy and half life in special relativity?

    Hi Joel. :) This problem becomes very simple when you recognize that \gamma = \frac{E_{total}}{E_{rest}}
  2. D

    Schools Which Universities Should I Aim For?

    Stay in Australia. The most immediate reason being the subsidized tuition. Also, those schools you listed are notoriously harsh towards international applicants, so even with outstanding results there is no guarantee you'll be accepted. You are certainly not at a disadvantage in completing your...
  3. D

    How Does the P(0) Term Arise in the Barometric Formula Derivation?

    I haven't had extensive experience in solving DE's just yet; I'm curious as to where the P(0) term comes from between the 4th and 5th expressions in the following derivation: My attempt follows: \frac{dP}{P} = - \frac{M...
  4. D

    Classical Mechanics: Textbook Recs & Study Tips

    I can already tell this semester is going to be a rough one. With two weeks until the semester begins, I've been attempting to work through the notes for my classical mechanics course (lagrangian & hamiltonian mechanics). Wow. Really dense stuff. I'm having a pretty difficult time following the...
  5. D

    Should I Transfer Universities for a Better Physics Program?

    It's looking like this will happen. ;)
  6. D

    Should I Transfer Universities for a Better Physics Program?

    It wouldn't be a waste of time. From what I understand, grad schools are more inclined to admit someone who has already completed a Masters degree, and it may even shave a few years off my PhD depending on the particular grad school. At the very least, it will give me invaluable research...
  7. D

    Should I Transfer Universities for a Better Physics Program?

    I think I'm going to transfer. I've just discovered that if I do transfer it will add 2 years to my degree, but I will effectively graduate with two Bachelors degrees (Maths + Physics), and a Masters by research. Additionally, I will have taken many more physics and maths classes as opposed to...
  8. D

    Should I Transfer Universities for a Better Physics Program?

    I had a look at that, it seems I can get equal research experience from both. a) Yes you're right. But rankings aside, this university definitely has a better reputation in general than my current institution. More selective, much larger research budget, etc. b) Agreed. However I have...
  9. D

    Should I Transfer Universities for a Better Physics Program?

    I've just completed my first year at a fairly well-respected university here in Australia. Ranked roughly 40th worldwide, 4th-6th in Australia. Our physics department is rather modest, though improving after the construction of the Australian synchrotron directly opposite the university campus...
  10. D

    Scanning tunneling microscopes, physics lab

    Lab, demo, doesn't matter at this point. I've given zero thought as to the actual lab itself, all I'm asking is if something along those lines would be feasible. Here's why I'm asking: I thought it might be a good idea for our SPS chapter (physics society, for those unaware) to get together...
  11. D

    Scanning tunneling microscopes, physics lab

    It would be possible to design the lab so that only one STM is required. The bulk of the lab could consist of some other component, and at the end all the students could gather around while the teacher demonstrates its use, or something to that effect. There would be some way around it. Could...
  12. D

    Scanning tunneling microscopes, physics lab

    This may be a bit of a silly question, but I'm wondering if it is feasible to design a freshman level lab experiment using a STM? For example, let's say the lab is simply intended to give the students a better appreciation of how a STM operates within the framework of quantum mechanics, with the...
  13. D

    Long term drawbacks to undergrad research?

    I was thinking about this earlier today: The last 10 years or so has seen a steady increase in undergraduate research activity and the prevalence of undergraduates contributing to published research articles. I think inevitably this will lead to publications being required, at least informally...
  14. D

    Integral evaluated at +/- infinity

    Ok, I'm trying to solve this physics problem and I've come to the following integral (d is taken to be some constant): 1. \int^{+\infty}_{-\infty}{\frac{1}{(x^2 + d^2)^\frac{3}{2}}}dx Now, integrating this I am supposed to get 2. {\frac{x}{d^2\sqrt{x^2 + d^2}}}, evaluated at \pm\infty (Sorry...