Recent content by develmath

  1. D

    Fixed Points of analytic functions

    Dah! Checking over what I wrote, found I left off "simply connected" which is of course critical.
  2. D

    Fixed Points of analytic functions

    Two things: 1. Sorry, I was stupidly thinking while I was writing and got my stuff wrong. A mobius transformation has two fixed points (I "understand" in the sense that I can see that they can be solved for algebraically). I accidentally said "at most one" because I was thinking that that is...
  3. D

    Fixed Points of analytic functions

    Hi, I am in honors track Complex Analysis, and I think I've reached my limit. We got this proof, and I don't know where to start. "We saw in class that a mobius transformation can have at most one fixed point (or else is the identity map), extend this idea to all analytic functions mapping...