Recent content by DeltaForce

  1. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    Okay I have derived both equations. dR/dx = v*(cos(x)t' - sin(x)t) dH/dx = v*(cos(x)t + sin(x)t') - gt*t' I am unsure where to take these results. Can you help me?
  2. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    I'm not that familiar with this strategy of differentiation. But I thank you for giving me this new technique to me. I definitely have to try this out, and hopefully master it.
  3. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    This is an amazing solution. Thanks for taking the time to write this. The source you linked also looked fantastic. Thanks!
  4. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    Like R = vcos(x)t and H = vsin(x)t - 1/2gt^2?
  5. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    Thanks for your replies. I did that. But I got the same displacement equation that I posted. t = (vsin(x)+sqrt(v^2*sin^2(x)+2gh))/g. I got this for the time period.
  6. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    I came up with this problem and did the work, that is hardly an example of low-effort. I don't think I understand the hint well. Do you happen to know the solution?
  7. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    Can you show me how you would do this problem? You seem like you know what's up.
  8. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    Sorry about the messy equations. When I took the derivative of range vs angle, I got a very complicated output. Therefore I thought it was difficult to optimize using that solution to find an expression for the angle. That's why I thought there may be a different or better approach available.
  9. D

    Maximize Range of Projectile Launched from Cliff

    I found the function of the range of the projectile launched from a cliff. R = vcos(x)((vsin(x))+sqrt(v^2sin^2(x)+2gh))/g I stopped here because I feel like taking the derivative and optimizing for maximum would spiral out of control. Is there another approach to this problem?
  10. D

    Solving Kinematics Problem: V_o & Max Height

    Hahahaha, I was sitting there wringing my brain out figuring out what I did wrong. Now I see. Thank you!
  11. D

    Solving Kinematics Problem: V_o & Max Height

    For this problem I tried to find when the binoculars reaches the maximum height. So, (0.75 + 1.28)/2 = 1.015s. Using that information I can solve for the initial velocity. v_o = gt = 9.947 m/s. Then using the initial velocity I can solve for the height of John using the 2nd kinematics equation...
  12. D

    B What are the general calculus concepts used in classical physics?

    Thanks, that's what I was looking for.
  13. D

    Solving a Trigonometric Equation: v^2*sin(180-2theta2)/g

    Yeah. I got it with the trig identities.
  14. D

    Solving a Trigonometric Equation: v^2*sin(180-2theta2)/g

    Ohh... ok. So it has something to do with the sum and difference identities. Thank you.