Recent content by Dell

  1. D

    Water resistance as a spring constant

    i am working on a project for a dynamic sculpture we want the sculpture to be able to sway and our idea includes placing the sculpture on a floating base(almost like a catamaran) , with wind forces the sculpture will sway. i would like to know how i may model the water resistance/buoyancy...
  2. D

    Bending and deflection of composite beam

    my question is regarding calculation of deflection of a composite beam, ie a beam with a cross section made up of 2 separate homogeneous materials. the methods i know for calculating deflections in homogenous beams are energy methods(catiglianos 2nd) and the elatic curve equations(second...
  3. D

    How Does IPE500's Bending Resistance Influence IPE400's Buckling Coefficient?

    in a question i have been asked to assess a steel structure made of two IPE beams given the attached schematic my question is regarding the buckling of the IPE400, to find the coefficient "K" i have used the julian-lawrence nomogram. as far as buckling about the Z axis goes, the...
  4. D

    Geomechanics- direct shear test

    it gives around 40 degrees
  5. D

    Geomechanics- direct shear test

    thanks, do these results seem at all probable or have i maybe processed the results incorrectly? i don't see where i could have made a mistake, yet i don't see any reason for there to be such errors in measurements, the entire experiment was done in a lab and all the readings were done...
  6. D

    Which finite elements are best for structural analysis in engineering courses?

    i am a 3rd year engineering student currently a course in computer methods for structural analysis, as a part of the course we are learning about finite elemnts, we have learned about CST LST Q4 and Q8, but i am having difficulty deciding which element to use for different models. does anyone...
  7. D

    Geomechanics- direct shear test

    thanks jay, unfortunately i don't have another opportunity to use the lab before i have to hand my report in, so i won't be able to use a lower compressive value, as far as the density goes, the sand i used was 1.55 [g/cm2] the 3 results were as follows compression=0.75 ; shear=...
  8. D

    Geomechanics- direct shear test

    i am taking a geomechanics course, as a part of the course we are required to do labs, one of which is to test the shearing stress of a sand using the direct shear method. we repeated the experiment 3 times changing the compressive stress each time, 0.75, 1 and 2 kg/cm2 from each...
  9. D

    Finite element analysis software

    i am a 3rd year civil engineering student, currently taking a course in which i need to use finite element software for assignments. the course is 100% theory, and i need to learn how to use the software on my own, i am looking for FREE software with FE capabilities, and preferably one that...
  10. D

    10 minute presentation on millau viaduct

    i am a third year civil engineering student taking a course in Technical English, as part of the course we need to give a 10 -15 minute presentation on something conncted to the field. i have chosen the Millau Viaduct as my topic, 10 minutes seems like very little time for such a complex project...
  11. D

    Is Shear Force Zero at the Point of a Nail Holding a Cross Section Together?

    so (y') would be the distance between the neutral axis (yc=440/7=62.857142857142861) and the centroid of the top shape (y=95) (y')= 95 - 440/7 = 225/7 = 32.142857142857146 Q=100*10*225/7= 225000/7 = 3.214285714285714e+004 which is what i had before, can you check this.
  12. D

    Is Shear Force Zero at the Point of a Nail Holding a Cross Section Together?

    Jay, are you sure about that?? V, and the spacing c are not that important to me let them remain parameters. once i find the Q for the entire lower section (it will be 2*1.6=3.2 since q of the block is 0) how do i find the shear flow just through the nail- the Q=3.2 is the Q of the nail and the...
  13. D

    Is Shear Force Zero at the Point of a Nail Holding a Cross Section Together?

    in a question i am asked to calculate the shearing force in a nail holding a cross section together, the cross section is showed in my diagram. my problem was that after calcultions i found that the centroid of the entire cross section was the same as the centroid of the secondary piece(the...
  14. D

    Is Kilogram Force the Same as Kilogram Mass?

    how so, that is my whole problem, if F=mg for example and F is Newtons m is Kg g=9.8 m/s2 then Newtons=Kg*9.8 why is this incorrect??
  15. D

    Is Kilogram Force the Same as Kilogram Mass?

    how do i convert a mass in kilograms to a weight in kgf?? should it not just be the same value?? is that not the idea of kgf?? for a weight on earth if F=mg---> N=kg*9.8 and i know that 9.8N=1kgf therefore 9.8N=9.82kg giving me 1kgf=9.82Kg this doesn't seem right to me...