Recent content by DCR

  1. DCR

    I need some science fiction help

    Now that you guys mention it, basing a timekeeping system on inconsistent rotational velocity probably isn't the best idea. I was caught up on the similarity between my navigational system and a clock face. Constant radioactive decay, as we use now, does seem more reliable. I had forgotten...
  2. DCR

    I need some science fiction help

    Hello, all. In my spare time I enjoy writing short stories in various themes. The one I'm currently working on is in the Science Fiction genre—a fairly standard "starships and space exploration" job. I've devised some extensive background for this particular storyverse (I intended these...
  3. DCR

    Physics Experts Wanted: Troubleshooting a Writer's Dilemma

    Hey, folks and blokes, I just fired up a new account here. I'm a West Virginia (USA) resident and was a double-major in the fields of mathematics and computer science. Unfortunately, due to family emergencies, I was forced to withdraw before my degree requirements were complete, but maybe...